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posted by Skittles98
The smoke cleared to reveal the X-men standing there, untying Wanda, Laurna and Eclipse. Young Justice and Batman were all encased in ice, courtesy of Iceman. Laurna angrily stood. The floor around my ex-team fell away.
“You’d better explain why Du attacked my Home and tried to take my guest” she growled
“We want our friend back” Wally said
“So Du attack her?” Wanda exclaimed, her fists glowing red.
“Yeah, babe” Wally grinned, looking Wanda up and down. Kurt’s tail twitched.
“Megan, Du like making people happy right?” I asked
“Yeah” she nodded
“Then why do Du wish to make me sad?” I asked
“I-I don’t” she stammered. I turned to Wally.
“Robin, what is the job of a hero?” I asked
“To save people and protect their home” he said
“I was protecting my Home and saving innocent lives Von coming here” I said
“Artemis, Robin, Batman, Du know what it is like to hold a dear secret. Let me hold mine” I continued. Finally, after a bit of mental discussion, the team decided.
“We are sorry we attacked your home. We will leave” Batman said. The floor reappeared. Kitty pulled them all free of the ice. Suddenly, metal started wrapping around people.
“Laurna, quit it” I urged
“I’m not doing it!” she exclaimed
“Magneto” Wanda snarled. Suddenly, the magnetism master himself entered.
“Kurt get Wolverine and Eclipse out” Wanda ordered. There was a gust of wind and Quicksilver ran in, grabbing Megan and smashing her into the wall, knocking her out.
“Rule one, take the telepath out first” he grinned.
“She’s not the only telepath” Jean said, putting her hands out.
“Aw crap” he muttered as he was flung across the room. Domino entered Pistolen out.
“What do Du want?” I snarled
“G, we want what we’ve always wanted: you” Domino said
“I can’t do that, D” I said
“Gambette, we both know Du can. Du just won’t” she said
“Domino, I’m 100% sure I can’t. No while he’s there” I added
posted by Robin_Love
Well Du guys wanted Mehr Terror and were also suggesting couples. So here's a look at Terror's tender side. Don't get too excited. It won't come out often.

He felt it like a sudden bullet. Fear. It hit him fast and it hit him hard. He placed his hands to his head, willing the sudden pain to go away. Most often he would take the fear away without needing to find the host of it. But he chose to look and was glad when he did. He walked among the shadow world, picking a rose as he went. He twirled the blume in his hand, ignoring the thorns that penetrated his skin. He stepped through one shadow...
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posted by Robin_Love
She looked around the darkened woods, listening. He was here somewhere. She knew he was. She took a small step forward, careful not to make any noise. She looked around once Mehr before running for Mehr cover. A blur ran towards her. Weiter she knew, she was tumbling on the ground, his arms around her. They landed heavily, both panting.
She let out a laugh and looked up at her love. His white hair was full of twigs and leaves, his body covered in scrapes and dirt. He smiled down at her, pulling a leaf out of her hair.
“I win!”
She stuck her tongue out at him, smiling.
“I'm still...
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posted by -BelovedRobin
I’m currently suffering from writers block for “Power Blitz” and “Diva One-Shot.” I had some wild ideas while I was looking at AislingYJ’s forum, “Be in a fanfic!” Von the way, if Du haven’t yet, check it out! I bet she’ll Liebe to have Mehr people sign up. Anyways, it was set 20 years prior to the Season 1 timeline and that lead to some crazed ideas. Like, I wonder what would happen to my youngest OCs, Bonnie and Matthew? Then this happens.

This is all just for fun and I hardly doubt I’ll write any Artikel on this unless I get ask to.

This is for Bonnie; I’ll post Matthew...
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posted by Robin_Love
Name: Tanner Pent
Alias: Ares
Occupation: Hero; clone of Superboy
Powers: Tactile telekinesis, super-strength, flight, invulnerability, heat vision, freezing breath, fire, super-speed, x-ray vision, heightened senses
History: Tanner is the clone of a clone. He was made Von Talia Al'Ghul who acquired DNA from Becca Stevens before Becca defied her. Where he has the DNA of Superboy, Tanner also has the DNA of superhero Firestorm, giving him the ability of fire. Tanner's tactile telekinesis allows him to, telepathically, mimic the abilities of those around him, much like Superboy. Tanner was the first...
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posted by Obscurity98
 Megan's Dress from OLD RADICAL: DRESSES
Megan's Dress from OLD RADICAL: DRESSES
-Before Harley died:
-ft. Willow and Becca, Megan, and Harley
-Artemis and Zatanna don't exist here.
-our BFs are also featured.

Megan squealed as she climbed into Roy's car. Conner followed her. It was against Harley, Robin, Wally, and Roy's will to go to the mall, but Willow and Becca finally dragged them into it. Wally and Willow went on their motorcycle and so did Robin and Becca. But Harley Megan and Conner piled into Roy's car.
Roy huffed, "i can't believe i have to go through this."
Megan squealed, "Yes! i haven't been to the mall in ages! I can't wait."
Harley put her hands to her ears, "Oh...
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Ravage Part III 6

Chapter Twenty-One:

Revenge trudged ahead. Despite the pain his spear-wound was causing him, he ignored it. He refused to let anyone look at it. 

It was bad enough he was in this hellhole looking for his sister. But on oben, nach oben of that, he'd found Cassie first. And she had found a guy...who she was flirting with.

Flirting wasn't exactly the word Cassie would use. Mehr like...talking and understanding. Liam was very much like her. Youngest of his family, full of enthusiasm, always managed to make mistakes.

He had extraordinary abilities which always seemed to heighten his number of...
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posted by The_Writer
Ravage Part III

Chapter Sixteen: 

"N.O.W.H.E.R.E.?" Robin and Kid Flash growled.

The rest of the team looked lost.

"N.O.W.H.E.R.E. is a terrorist organization who capture and experiment on meta-human teenagers. Robin and Wally had...experiences with them." Nightwing explained.

"When I get my hands on them..." Wally began, but Nightwing held up a hand and Wally fell silent.

"Batman is currently...out of town and won't be back in time. I'm taking emergency authorization to send a squad  to save Artemis."

Nightwing thought for a moment before continuing. "We'll need some people who can fake not knowing...
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These would be their kids. xD This is a future timeline, Von the way. Like probably 20 years oder something? Cuz she probably had her oldest when she was in her 20s and the oldest is 12 so....You do the math.
Name: Lily Brooklyn Cohn
Alias: Midnight Streak
Gender: Female
Age: 12
Appearance: brown hair, wavy, medium length, green-blue eyes (more green than blue), average build
Powers: speed, strength, can turn invisible Von manipulating darkness
Weapons: martial arts/combat
Personality: talkative, slightly gullible, headstrong, kind of has a temper, determined
Name: Chandler Austin Cohn
Alias: Coda
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Past: Scott was born in a small town of around 1,000. The community he grew up was a quiet one, never on the news, never any gang fights, but plenty of preps. Scott’s younger sister (Sarah) came along when Scott was 3. Years later Scott was running around with his Friends when a Lightning bolt struck him. When he awoke he had snow white hair, and new powers. The lightning activated his dormant powers, being 9 Scott learned he had to keep his major emotions under control oder else catastrophic storms would appear. Sarah was killed Von Scott accidentally when their father was beating Sarah. Scott...
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posted by Robin_Love
 Gimmick costume
Gimmick costume
Name: Zero
Alias: Gimmick
Occupation: Android; hero
Base: Metropolis
Powers: can walk through solid objects, can mimic abilities, lightning, super-senses.
History: Zero was originally made Von Cadmus. He is an android; a robotic device made with human emotions and patterns. He was imprisoned in a chamber, sleeping. He was freed Von his Friends Terror and Zeth. He began to learn of his powers and joined the X-Men, who all had some sort of ability like his. Once he was able to control his powers, Zero became a hero. He has often ran into Terror and Zeth on several missions. He has also met Teague the...
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Ravage Part III: Going N.O.W.H.E.R.E.

Revenge grinned and grabbed the girl behind him Von the neck before dropping her. "Cassie." he growled.

"Good to see Du too." Cassie replied, rubbing her neck. Revenge glanced at the male.

"Who's your boyfriend?"

"Liam. He's a meta. Helped me."

"For now." Revenge said, narrowing his eyes.

"I don't like you." The guy stated plainly.

"And why not?"

"You've got too much hatred, anger, but also fear. Fear for Artemis and fear for...yourself."

"Well wiseguy, who is this Artemis?"

Liam grinned. "Pretty fierce warrior who'll kick your butt. I'm sure she...
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posted by Obscurity98
Harley eyes fluttered open as she looked around. Her hands where strapped to a chair and so were her legs. She tried to pull loose, but she couldn't It surprised her, Nothing, oder at least almost nothing, could have led her.
Her eyes darted around the lightly dimmed room, and they feel upon a human figure, and out of the shadows where she looked came Klarion.
"Can't get out of your chair girly? Du might be wondering why."
"Like hell i'm wondering why! what do Du want with me?"
"Quiet girly! I ask the Fragen here!"
"Yeah and we both want answers, so give me mine and i'll give Du yours."

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posted by Obscurity98
I sat on the roof oben, nach oben of a big corporate building, when i hear sirens. I smiled, I and took off towards the sirens. I always had a knack for beating the bad guys. Buts of been my drive for wanting to be a superhero.
I ran all the way, not stopping to breathe. I jumped, roof to roof, and my eyes landed on a large bank heist. i jumped down onto the straße and the earth shook just like i wanted. It usually drove fear into the Villain's hearts. And made them freeze, but not this time, I ran into the building, ignoring the policemen's shouts, and my eyes flamed with the feuer i finally learned to...
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posted by ShadowYJ
Name: Lara Nightingale

Occupation: Hero

Hero Name: Nightingale

Age: 16

Appearance: Dark-brown hair, green eyes, tall and slender

Powers: Has the power of flight, strength and longer stamina.

Knows jujitsu and is very good at evading enemies.

Hero costume: Purple crop oben, nach oben with long sleeves (With an "N" logo) Black pants, black boots, yellow utility belt, and a black cape with hood.

Civvies: Green crop top, three-quarter jean pants, white shoes, black baseball cap.

Weapons: None. She has her powers-she doesn't need weapons has her powers are strong enough.

Sarcastic and is a friendly person.

Family: Her grandma is Talia Al Ghul and her parents were killed in a plane crash-so she's a orphan.

Story: Came from the future (52 yrs from time)
posted by XxKFforeverXx
SERIOUSLY?!?!? All this stupid fighting is getting old. Du guys have seriously pissed me off, and trust me, it take ALOT for me to say something.
YOU GUYS ARE Schauspielen LIKE A BUNCH OF GIRLS I GO TO SCHOOL WITH! Seriously! I don't care if you're gay/straight/lesbian/or whatever! I'll still talk to you, I'm not going to blow Du off and block you, oder ban you. I think it's wrong, but that doesn't mean I'm going say anything to you. Du are who Du are. If Du make that choice, then SO BE IT! This rule stuff is getting old too, no matter where Du are, people are going to copy. Du people who make...
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I wrote this before I was half done with RoR. It won't fit in the storyline now, but to avoid too many spoilers, this is your super preview. Oh BTW: RAVAGE PART II TOMORROW!!!!

"Where's stechpalme, holly and Artemis?" Revenge asked, swinging down Weiter to Nightwing and Batgirl.

"Here!" Artemis called, running up. "Holly's inside planting the explosives!"

"That's my girl." Revenge muttered.

His HUD flashed red thrice. A symbol he had hoped was an accidental set off.

"Evacuate the area!" Revenge yelled, firing his grappling line at the school and swinging off.

"You heard Revenge! Move!" Nightwing yelled. He ran...
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posted by Kenzie_KarmaYJ
Kenzie freaks out when Robin tells her that she's going to go insane if she stays with Brennan for too much longer. She watches the fight begin as Brennan picks her up and tightens his grip on her. Screaming, she accidentally freezes time. She then asks for an explanation from Robin, who tells her Fin's real story and who Kenzie was. Kenzie gets really upset Von this and time is unfrozen, but no one actually notices. Chelsea gets the upper hand and attacks everyone.

OOC: FINAL INSTALLMENT FRIDAY!!! 'bout damn time too...
posted by XxKFforeverXx
These took me 2 weeks to finally finish -_- Gyah.
Name: Blair Wayne
Alias: Luna
Age: 17
Occupation: Hero
Relation to team: Bruce Wayne’s daughter
Powers: Blair is able to control all elements of the earth including “Air, water, fire, and earth “along with light, hand-to-hand combat, acrobatics
Past: Blair also knew her father was a Vigilante. Especially when he left one night, and didn’t come back until the Weiter week with broken ribs and scratches. She followed him one night, realizing her father was Batman, and that herself had gained powers
Notes: -Blair has a twin brother named Brett
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posted by Robin_Love
Only one thing to say this time. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!

“I've heard a few things. Whispers of conversations. But Du apparently had some kind of fall in with Bloodmist.”
Becca blinked.
“Why would I? I don't mind him being anywhere close to the team.”
“I know. That's why I'm confused.”
Becca nodded. She looked at her Angel – Jäger der Finsternis friend.
“Devin, what have Du experienced?”
“Becca, what I say Weiter can not be repeated.”
“I promise.”

“I feel bad for lying to him, Becca. But...I felt like I had to protect him.”
“From what Dev?”
“Myself. I don't know why but I felt this voice...
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posted by Robin_Love
I KNOW I make alot, but I Liebe them all so much!!!

Name: Trevor Wright
Alias: Secret
Occupation: Hero
Powers: Trevor posses different powers at different times of day. Day-strength, light, fire, wind. Night-speed, shadows, darkness, water. Trevor is also a master spy and trained extensively in combat. He has never been detected and has endurance that lasts twenty-four hours. Trevor loves to use a gun in the Tag and a sword at night.
History: Trevor was raised on the streets of London, England. He is, as far as he knows, an orphan. His powers manifest from his X-gene. He was taken in Von a sly shape-shifter,...
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