Movie Logo for 'Larry-Boy and the Non Gentle Giant Robot: A Veggie Tales Movie'
This just in........a new film called 'Larry-Boy and the Non Gentle Giant Robot: A Veggie Tales Movie' will soon be released in movie theaters on October 18, 2013...........and it's got a brand new collection of new hit songs and a new all star, sterne cast of new characters to perform. Larry-Boy has conquered 3 villain characters in the Zurück Larry-Boy film series including the Fib from 'Larry-Boy and the Fib from Outer Space', the Rumor Weed from 'Larry-Boy and the Rumor Weed' and the Bad apfel, apple from 'Larry-Boy and the Bad Apple', but this time, he's got a new enemy to challenge: the Non Gentle Giant Robot. Can Larry-Boy turn this robot enemy into a Gentle Giant Robot? find out when Du see the movie on the big screen.
Same Logo as above