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I really mean it! What would Du be able to do if SOPA/TPP censors the internet? What would Du be able to do if Schreiben fanfics and drawing fanarts become illegal? What would Du do if it's illegal to do a cover of your Favorit song on YouTube? What would Du do if downloading things from the internet (music, movies, TV episodes, etc) became illegal? What would Du do if SOPA/TPP wins the war and takes away internet freedom? Net Neutrality is already dead so far, we can't risk the freedom of internet...
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posted by tabithasb13
If tomorrow all the things were gone
I'd worked for all my life,
And I had to start again
with just my children and my wife,
I'd thank my lucky stars
to be living here today,
'Cause the flag still stands for freedom
and they can't take that away.

And I'm proud to be an American
where at least I know I'm free,
And I won't forget the men who died
who gave that right to me,
And I gladly stand up Weiter to you
and defend her still today,
'Cause there ain't no doubt I Liebe this land
God Bless the U.S.A.

From the lakes of Minnesota
to the hills of Tennessee,
Across the plains of Texas
from sea to shining sea.
From Detroit...
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posted by deedeeflower
Follow That star, sterne in the East, Officer

Were Du at the miracle of Woodstock?
the third largest city in New York State
surrounded Von tiny rivers of hate
conceived in magic
born in music
and rocked in fields of alfafa, baby
Were Du ther on the highway called Happy?
where the Jefferson Airplane streaked through the sky
explodin' like a comet over Philippine Pound
while the cattle were lowin' and roamin' around
diggin' the sound
and the Wise Men rode on a Day-Glo bus
"Oh, come along with us
and make the scene
where Groovy Way meets Gentle Path
at the intersection of Freedom
and we'll all take a bath in milch and...
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posted by tabithasb13
If tomorrow all the things were gone
I'd worked for all my life,
And I had to start again
with just my children and my wife,
I'd thank my lucky stars
to be living here today,
'Cause the flag still stands for freedom
and they can't take that away.

And I'm proud to be an American
where at least I know I'm free,
And I won't forget the men who died
who gave that right to me,
And I gladly stand up Weiter to you
and defend her still today,
'Cause there ain't no doubt I Liebe this land
God Bless the U.S.A.

From the lakes of Minnesota
to the hills of Tennessee,
Across the plains of Texas
from sea to shining sea.
From Detroit...
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Friday night boys and the PBR
Chasing Jack, getting wrecked in small town bars
Big city roller in NYC
You're a sharp dressed man just like ZZ

Harley riding biker in a leather jacket
Like riding bitch
You're sitting on the back, yeah
Pretty boys at the university
Watching them walk
In their Levi jeans

Yeah, yeah
I can't help but fall
Yeah, yeah
God bless 'em all

American boys
Gotta Liebe 'em, gotta need 'em
Gotta want 'em
They're my drug of choice
Yeah, yeah, yeah
American boys
Wanna slay 'em, wanna lay 'em
Wanna play 'em
They're my favourite toys
American, American boys

Metal head boys in the back of a Camaro
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Help stop the upcoming 2025 insurrection and project, for which January 6th was just their rehearsal. (Remember, storming the Capitol and suspending the Constitution was exactly how The Handmaid's Tale begun.) The storming already happened once although that time unsuccesful, and Donald Trump and other concervatives already talk about suspending (parts) of the Constitution if they get back into th White House whether Von election oder violence.

Donald Trump is currently the leader of the MAGA movement, but it includes countless extremists and fascists who are just as dangerous.

Their real life "Project...
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will band like 2ne1 catch on, oder will it be a type of music, like most in america that dies out?
k pop is korean pop, it is beliebt among teens and young adults. its electric/hip-hop and dance.

k-pop is becomeing beliebt as a result of being able too see other countrie media better across the world.

in koreas part of the world, k pop has been around since the 90s.

k pops fashion is strange, and they have weird looking clothing.

south korea is becoming a larger influence on culture, even obama has sagte how he likes some things about koreas youth, and there tech ideas.

k pop is also very beliebt on youtube


for Mehr info look up k pop on the web, oder youtube
posted by Seanthehedgehog
We continued from where we left off, Dan being stopped Von the cops again.

Captain: Hold your fire!
Dan: *looks in mirror*
Captain: You're surronded. There's no place for Du to go!
cop 67: *driving toward Dan*
Dan: *gets in front of 67th cop*
Captain: Shoot him!
Coppers: *shoot their own man*
Captain: WRONG GUY!

Meanwhile far away 6 girls were cruising in a '52 lincoln Capri.

Girl 3: OMG, he's so cute, but I don't know if I should datum him.
Girl 2: Why would Du datum a dog?
Girl 3: Because it's cute!

Back at the car chase

Dan: *exits park*
Captain: attention all units, the pursuit is not terminated, repeat...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
The final part. Dan is trying to trick the owner of the other Buick. He was talking in a british accent

Dan: Excuse me sir is this your car?
black man 2: Eeyup.
Dan: Would Du mind stepping into the manager's office? We have to rewash it.
black man 2: Rewash the car?
Dan: It won't be too long. *gets in car*
Copper 1: All units, the suspect must be trying to change the appearance of his car. Keep your eyes open for a heavily damaged Buick Special, red in color.
Dan: *drives other Buick*
Copper 53: We have set up a roadblock Von the car wash, and are checking for our suspect. He has grey hair, and...
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posted by deedeeflower
The Aquarian Age of What

It was while I was having lunch today
at the Weiter table
a man wearing one of those stick-on beards
and a yellow turtleneck sweater
was telling his friend
"Do Du know the New York Times
just carried a story
quoting to scientists and ecologists
and they sagte that, in ten years
this planet will be uninhabitable for humans?"
and the friend answered
"Is that so? Well, let me tell you, buddy
it's uninhabitalbe out where I live right now
with all those blacks moving in close
and the neighborhood hippies
with their damned Motorräder and
peace posters
and the liquor store down the street
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"How to legally round up labor almost as cheap as illegals are."

Individuals oder childless couples
- Long-streak unemployed
- Non-PTSD ex military
- Grown-up orphans from the Social Services
- Sixty-year-olds without pensions

You are the perfect candidates for The Factory Campus.

Weekly paychecks are for luckier people. What Du earn at the Campus is
a tiny single room, your meals and the company's coins for vending machines
filled with munchies, body care items, socks/underwear etc.

Surplus clothing are available when workers have worn theirs out
or didn't have much to start with. Sold for a few coins...
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posted by deedragongirl
 Nice park, isn't it?
Nice park, isn't it?
Hi guys, since my parents have been there 2 years ago, here are my reasons on why I would Liebe to go to New York!


The city is famous for diversity of different races, and this promotes tourism and I truly appreciate that. I also have a godmother who is staying there and would Liebe to pay her a visit soon!

Broadway Musicals

It is the Home of famous Broadway Musicals, I have seen 4 so far. I'm dying to see other Musicals like Miss Saigon and Wicked just to same a few!

Shop Till Du Drop

I am gradually Liebe to Shop and I hope that the stores have Mehr choices than in Malaysia, another reason to be appreciative!

Nature Lover

There is also a famous park in which I would Liebe to walk, it brings me joy and happiness when I'm down.

The American Dream

I Liebe the United States and its culture, I hope to bring my Friends there soon too.
 China Town!
China Town!
posted by Seanthehedgehog
 A Norfolk & Western GP9
A Norfolk & Western GP9
Based off of the original Gone In 60 Seconds, sort of...

Welcome to St. Louis in the Jahr 1961. Our main character is now driving his lincoln Continental toward a railroad crossing, to find out how a train got derailed. "Morning Sarge" He sagte as he climbed out of his car. The workers of the railroad were not sure who this guy was, so he told them, "I'm Daniel Karr, St. Louis police department. I'm here to investigate what happened." One of the workers told him to go check on the engineer, he was sitting on the train tracks looking at his engine, a Norfolk & Western GP9. It was laying on...
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posted by missing_99
 Hearst schloss in California
Hearst Castle in California
I was browsing the internet recently, and at the bottom of my Suchen result page were a few links. One of them sagte "American castles", I was interested and clicked. I found an article, on CNN, that was supposed to be about seven grand castles in the US. I usually tend to avoid Kommentar sections, as they tend to be full of hate and general stupidity---and especially on something like CNN, but I decided to stroll through the comments.

I actually regretted doing this. There honestly wasn't a positive Kommentar in sight. Many Kommentare (if not all) sagte repeatedly "they're not castles!". Well, yeah,...
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posted by davidcoulthard
In the late 70s’ I had my dream holiday, me and John Wood booked a trip to America. We flew Freddie Laker (the innovator in cheap flights 1976-1982) to JFK New York where we stayed at the Y.M.C.A. In spite of Johns build he was somewhat scared in the city. We were both forever looking up at the huge skyscrapers and Mehr than once I had to grab his arm as he stepped off the pavement without looking at the walk, don’t walk signs. We did all the tourist sites, the Empire State Building, The Chrysler building, Central park, Statue of liberty, Macys, we walked block after block, we had huge...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Continuing the car chase, we see Dan driving a somewhat damaged Buick Special away from the cops that are following him. I got bored Schreiben like "ohqiegs" sagte 03j0wti. So I'm Schreiben like this from now on

Cop 1: rewthy
Cop 2: What?

Let's continue shall we?

toll guy: Hey, what the fuck?!
copper 75: The suspect just passed the poll.
copper 43: Du mean toll?
copper 75: Screw you.
Dan: *enters Illinois*
copper 43: Suspect is out of St. Louis.
copper 2: 1 baker 11, we're right behind him.
copper 43: Hey, are Du driving oder is your boyfriend driving.
copper 2: He's not my boyfriend, just my partner....
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
 One of the copper's '61 Impala
One of the copper's '61 Impala
They did it, Dan & his team stahl, stola all the cars they needed, but there was one problem. One of the cars they stahl, stola was a Buick Special, and Terence made Dan return it for not being insured. Kenny went Pearl Harbor on Dan, and got beat up badly. Not only that, but he quit the team, and called the cops. So Fuck Kenny, let's continue with the story. Dan knew where he could find another Buick, which was insured. It was right Weiter to the Gateway arch, but Dan didn't know that the police were watching him, thanks to someone that called for them. It was two police officers, one was a girl, and...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
 The tow truck
The tow truck
The Weiter Tag was going great. They were stealing all the cars that they needed until, "We got a problem with the E Type." Kenny said. "What?" Dan angrily asked. "I overheard the police saying that they found out the serial numbers were changed." "Then we only have one option." "No Dan, we are not crushing that car!" Kenny shouted. "We have to! It's our only option." And with that, Dan left.

He stahl, stola a tow truck, and went to where the E type was. While putting the E type on the truck, a police car stopped Von the dealership. The cop had a dog with him, and when he got out of his car, the dog...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
 The Buick Special
The Buick Special
Dan called the three of his Friends that were with him at the garage. They were now at the airport, about to steal two cadillacs, and a rolls royce when suddenly, "There it is." Dan whispered to Terence. One of the cars they had to steal was a Buick Special. Dan was walking toward it, and opened the door when suddenly, "Hey. What are Du doing?" An old black man asked angrily. Dan apologized, and left "Wrong car." He sagte to the others. "That special we need is at another place." Percy told him. He showed Dan the adress, and the four continued stealing the first three cars.

Later that day,...
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posted by deedragongirl
 Los Angeles!
Los Angeles!
Hi guys, my name is Dee and I come from Malaysia, this is my very first Artikel about this wonderful country. What I am going to write are some of the things I Liebe about the US and which part that I would Liebe to visit!

Los Angeles

I Liebe this city as it is very clean, and it is full of diversity. I had been there 15 years Vor before 9/11, many of the people are friendly and I hope to go there again after the general elections there.

New York City

I would Liebe to go to New York as I have a godmother staying there. It is famous for Broadway Musicals and my favourites are The Lion King and Wicked,...
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