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Ashley Greene
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Ashley Greene
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Ashley Greene
Here is another School starts monday again arrrh, so i will do my best to get Mehr out

We spent a wile in the shed and it was getting close to nine o'clock "crap" i sagte wile jumping off the floor onto my feet "it will be getting dark soon and we still have to walk to the lake." Kelly laughed to herself and got up "well" she sagte "lets get going." Kelly put the half empty bottle back in her bag and we went to help Amanda up, she wasn't taking the alcohol to well. We all walked out of the shed will our arms around Amanda. We were about 6 blocks away from the lake, and at this rate we were just...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*


It was overcast, but not raining yet. I ignored my truck and started east on foot, angling across Charlie's yard toward the ever-enroaching forest. It didn't take long till I was deep enough for the house and the road to be invisible, for the only sound to be the quish of the damp earth under my feet and the sudden ries of the jays.
There was a thin ribbon of a trail that led through the forest here, oder I wouldn't risk wandering on my own like this. My sense of direction was hopeless; I could get Lost in much less helpful surroundings. The...
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posted by She_wolf
 Leah tis awesome =]
Leah tis awesome =]
Chapter Five ( writers block strikes again =[)
soz this chapters not as good as the others, writers block =[

Everyone seemed to know. Jake swore he hadn’t told anyone, but news spread like wild feuer in La Push. It started off as just gossiping, but had soon escalated to taunting. Leah had conveniently ditched us, but Quil, Jake and Seth stupidly stood Von me. I was surprised; they seemed to pick on Jake just as much as me. But Jake took it all in his stride, standing up for me, even though the Mehr he stood up for me the Mehr they taunted him. I couldn’t bär it. My Friends were sharing...
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posted by She_wolf
 my fave 'quote' from this chapter
my fave 'quote' from this chapter
I hope Du like this, it's my first Fan fiction so please tell me if it's terrible. This chapter is a bit long, the Weiter one will be shorter :D

I reached the clearing just after Leah, panting like a steam train. I threw my self to the ground as we past the finishing line.
Still think you’re getting faster Embry? Leah thought tauntingly. I bared my teeth then turned to Seth, Leah’s younger brother.
“Impressive.” He grinned looking at the time on the stop watch. “Leah wins Von a nose. 3 Minuten 25 Sekunden for Leah and 3 Minuten 30 for Embry!”
We were out in the forest messing around...
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posted by KatiiCullen94
dedicated to ItsCherenne. for her kind comments.

i rolled towards the voice, it was a instant recreation, a reflex, something my body always did for taht voice.
i fluttered my eyes to open, to see a fuzzy black shadow kneeled before me. I groaned, i was soo tired, i that i swear i could jsut crash in front of them.
"Bella" he whispered. i felt his cool breath on my face. oh the smell. I swear the smell was jsut intoxicating, the smell that i remembered anywhere no matter how long i had been without it.
It was somthing no matter how much to lenght of time, this habit never died out.
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Liebe is the closest thing we have to magic
But It can be hurtful and painful too
it lies in those whos hearts are cold
it glows in those who are true.

You can find it in the least expected places,
It can kill to let Liebe go
It can comfort those who are in need of help
It can fight and take over woe

Love is something that never dies,
It stays in the hearts of the gone,
Love is a candle that never goes out,
No one knows where its from

Love is the glue that holds us together,
It is the thing that makes us smile
Without knowing, we rely on love
More then anyone would know

It can kill those who turn against it,...
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posted by twilight-7
Two weeks later.

Edward’s POV

I watched over Kayla, waiting for another scream. Bad dreams, she was having. I couldn’t make them out, just flashes and flashes of colour and people’s faces. Always the same colour though, blood red. Her mouth opened in a whimper and then her eyes flew open. She wasn’t awake, still dreaming. Her hands reached out in front of her as she cried out.
“No, take me! Take me!”
I didn’t like seeing her like this. I couldn’t do anything for her. It wasn’t like I could chase the big bad monster away. It was a nightmare.
“Still having those nightmares?”...
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posted by twilight-7
Everything was ready. Rosalie had styled my hair in lovely cascading curls with silver pins holding them away from my face. Alice had gegeben me a natural look with the make-up. Light foundation, no blusher, long dark eyelashes and a nice pale rosa lips. Esme and Sarah helped me into my dress and Rosalie rushed to get my bouquet.
“Is everything sorted?” I asked Esme for the umpteenth time.
“Yes,” she assured me as patient as ever. “Stop worrying.”
I nodded as Sarah tightened the corset of my dress. Esme was crouched down at my feet sorting the many layers of the rock of the dress....
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 His eyes are supposed to be goldish blue! ;( *Disclaimer*
His eyes are supposed to be goldish blue! ;( *Disclaimer*
I felt an arm stretch across my shoulders. I sighed and turned away from the touch. My face dropped into my hands and I clenched my teeth. If I didn't have this stupid attraction to Vince, nothing would've gone wrong! This is all my fault. I never want to hurt Rachel like this again. Emotionally, the most malicious way to hurt a person. I cried, pinkish tears welled down my face. I squinted as I craned my neck to look at the sparkling sun.
Soon the tears dried and I bit my lip, a habit I'd picked up fom my mother.
"This is so wrong.." I murmered to myself.
"How so?" He questioned numbly....
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 Maybe this could be the teen Renesmee? *Disclaimer-I own nothing*
Maybe this could be the teen Renesmee? *Disclaimer-I own nothing*
`Come on let's go, let's go, let's go!` I thought silently.
I dragged Rachel across the marble school floors. Her forearm in my grasp. She was flailing her bag around and almost tripping over her own feet. I smiled then pushed open heavy glass paned doors. I saw the boy standing Von the edge of the forest. Leaning against a baum that seemed to be suffocated in moss and vines. He flipped his brown hair to one side then gave a slight little smile and wave.
I mentally whispered to Rachel `Care full. Hey-Rachel, I think he really likes you`
She rolled her eyes at me then causiously took a big step...
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Nightmares no Dreams, things I see,
one of them is you,
because we're teilt, split in two,
all of my life,
I dreamed to be your wife,
it isn't real,
Du don't know how I feel,
it took me so long,
to figure out you're wrong,
I drive down the road,
not knowing where to go,
might as well jump off a cliff,
I have no idea if I'll live,
so now I'm at the bottom of the ocean,
my mind going through all of this confusion,
I have no Mehr air,
I still don't see Du anywhere,
but you're trying to save me,
I thought Du still hated me,
as my fingers slip through yours,
I now touch the sea floor,
knowing that I won't exsist anymore.
posted by TWILIGHTFAN1557
The years passed Von quickly and like time Renesmee grew quickly.But thankfully this did not bother me anymore for I knew she would live safe, sicher and happly forever with her Jacob and family always Von her side.She had grown to be exacly like Edward but Edward still insisted that she had my eyes.Nessie was 12 now.It was so amazing how patient Jacob has been with Renesmee it wasn't like he was in a hurry for her to grow up he just enjoyed every moment of being with Nessie. Everything was just so blissfully calm and perfect.Edward,Jacob, our Nessie,and me were out hunting in La Push ,the pack didn't...
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posted by teamedward_2010
I do not own twilight so please don't sue!
Please Comment

End of chapter 1
I decide after my dusche to go for a drive, to learn my way around, because we had never lived in Forks before. I claim in and started my 2006 Chevrolet Monte Carlo SS, I wish I could have had a newer car but we had to blend in. I drove out and decide to go to pick up some food, this was all part of the act, because people did start to notice when Du never bought any food.
As I walked into the store the strong sweet smell of vampire hit me like a brick wall.

Chapter 2
I didn't know what to do, should I get out of here or...
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posted by Kronous
"I hate them so much... Arrgh" "calm down man Du cant do any thing about it" "whatever Du know im not like the rest of you".

lost? thought Du might be. see i am a diferent Werrewolf... im half vampire too... its so horrible fighting for Du life. no wonder i the only one alive. The cool thing is i dont have to take ordes. we think its because im not full werewolf. so id be alpha of my own pack. oh i guess people who think they saw a blood red bär run through the woods... well they're not crazy... thats me. red im red oh yeah some think its funny they say things like"You Over Sized Elmo"....
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Nightfall Chapter 24: An Unlikely Alliance (Jake's POV)

I felt my body trembling with fury and just as I was about to phase Edward called out to me from the stairs of the garage.

“Jacob I would appreciate it if Du would find another course of action in order to pursue your vendetta against my brother.” I was momentarily distracted as I turned towards him in irritation.

“You know, Du should really try speaking in plain old English sometime Edward.” He chuckled as he took a step towards me. Bella’ s head popped into the doorway her brow furrowed in worry, just the same as it always...
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Nightfall Chapter 23: Anger Management (Jake's POV)

The crisp autumn air whirled the leaves around us as I dragged my struggling children out back. I placed them on the ground in front of me staring them down. I couldn’t help but notice how similar they appeared from a distance but up close there was a sharp contrast. They were both the same russet color as my wolf, but Sarah held herself differently than my quick-tempered son who was beginning to remind me a bit of his Uncle Paul although I was reluctant to admit it. Sarah sat perfectly poised, head held high with wisdom emanating from the...
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posted by GothicGirl0525
End of Chapter: 11     
I’m sorry. I know Du have. Let’s get Home and then I will just tell everyone Du will talk about tomorrow.” He said. I nodded and then we ran home. I sagte my hi’s and good nights to everyone. Then I went to one of the rooms after putting Neisse down to bett in Edwards’s old room. Then I spent the rest of the night with my husband. It hasn’t been just him and me in a while it’s kind of nice but then its ruined but a high pitch scream coming from Neisse’s room.
    “MOMMY!! DADDY!! HELP ME!!” She screamed. Jane...
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posted by GothicGirl0525
End of Chapter 10
“Neisse, I was thinking that your father and I would tell Du how we meet. What do Du think?” I asked. She looked really truly happy and Edward looked confused but happy that we were going to tell her.
    “Mommy, daddy I think it’s awesome!” She sagte jumping up and down.
    “Okay. I was think we will go to the meadow. Where Du father and I went to a lot.” I said. Edward nodded his head and Neisse was just too excited.
    “YAY!” She screamed.
    Okay then we better get going....
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posted by joe-edwardfan
Chapter 6: headache.
I was Lesen a book on my bett when I heard my phone buzz
-hi Alice!
-hey Bella I was wondering if me and edward could come and see u?
What? People just don’t call and invite theme selves over! ugh! just be nice Bella she's a good vamp oder I think she is……
-yeah sure when are u coming?
I asked. I was positive she even had a set time to come here….
-at 3:00 pm it gives u 1 Stunde to clean and dress up! I'm so happy to come over! Yay!
Then she hung up oooh I don’t want to dress up! Right now I just want to sleep oder continuing Lesen my book! I just climbed of my bett and cleaned...
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posted by Alex_XcullenX
“Wow.” Bella whispered.

I got up from the Piano and ran to her side. I placed my arms around her waist and my chin on her shoulders. It felt so incredible to have her in my arms. “You took the word right out of my mouth.”

“Edward, I did it!”

“You did. Du were unbelievable. All that worrying over being a newborn, and then Du skip it altogether.” I couldn’t help but chuckle. I knew how worried she was about being consumed with thirst in the beginning, but I had to admit myself that I was worried that she wouldn’t feel as strongly as she did for me when she was a human. Now...
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