TSSOEBS Welcome secret agents!

Aimee147 posted on Jul 31, 2010 at 06:13AM
I understand that there is a problem that has arisen...I promise that through the power of friendship and teamwork,we shall eliminate this threat that has been dawning since the very dawn of time...WHO IS WITH ME!?! *raises hand*

TSSOEBS 7 Antworten

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Vor mehr als einem Jahr Team_Carlisle said…
*raises hand* I am with you Soph!!
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Nikelova-456 said…
*raises hand* Ok Sophie am i like the lutenate??
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Team_Carlisle said…
big smile
yeppers we both are :D
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Aimee147 said…
Very good everyone! I am grateful for the support =D We shall build a vast army which shall be excelled in the skill of stealth and cunning!
last edited Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Team_Carlisle said…
omg thats so awsome!!!!
Vor mehr als einem Jahr twilightrox43 said…
Hey sister Sophie *hugs* I'm ready to join! *raises hand*
Vor mehr als einem Jahr manny103 said…
id really know what this is for? *raises hand*