Total Drama World Tour Club
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posted by Fangirl99
Alejandro: No need to get crazy. It's lovin' time at last.
Cody, Noah, Tyler, DJ, Alejandro: Du don't want to eat us up.
Owen: We're mostly full of gas. No, no!
Gwen, Courtney, Heather: It's mating time for scarabs.
LeShawna: So, what'cha waiting on?
Izzy: Just ignore us humans!
Cody: Ooooo.
All except Bridgette and Ezekiel: And make out till the break of dawn.
Alejandro and Cody: It's lovin' time.
Gwen, Courtney, and Heather: Lovin' time, lovin' time...
Alejandro: Scarab mating season.
Cody: It's lovin' time
Gwen, Courtney, and Heather: Lovin' time, lovin' time...
Alejandro: Scarabs, get busy now...
Harold: It's lovin' time.
Gwen, Courtney, and Heather: Lovin' time, lovin' time...
All: Scarab mating season.
Cody: It's lovin' time.
Gwen, Courtney, and Heather: Lovin' time, lovin' time...
All but Ezekiel: Scarab mating season.
Ezekiel: Seasonal, eh! What, no, wait!
added by RidonculousRace
added by sturmelle15
posted by GwenHeather
Von Everyone
Courtney: We're Singen as we're falling!
Heather: While some are cannon-balling!
Izzy: Yeah!
Alejandro: Our lives begin to flash before our eyes!
Noah and Owen: We might just go ka-blooey!
Harold and Tyler: Get smushed and become chewy!
Everyone: Cept there's tons we wanna do before we die!
LeShawna: Billionairess!
Cody: Billiard's Champion!
DJ: Make it Home to see my momma!
Sierra: Marry Cody!
Bridgette: Catch a barrel!
Lindsay: Be an actress in a drama!
Courtney: Corporate lawyer!
Gwen: Prom destroyer!
Harold: Be a ninja with throwing stars!
Alejandro: Lion tamer!
Owen: New Essen namer!
continue reading...
added by tdrama01
Source: Me!
added by DUNKISbigestFAN
added by sugarholic14
added by sturmelle15
added by DemiDebby
added by DemiDebby
posted by dXcFan14
-Duncan's P.O.V-

"Ok, so now its time for a fairytale dream... Courtney, your up!" Chris smirked at me, for about the fourth time that day.

What is his problem...?

I was immediately entranced Von Courtney's song...

"Tell it to my heart.
Tell me im the only one.
Is this really Liebe oder just a game?
Tell it to my heart.
I can feel my body rise,
Everytime Du call my name

I didn't wanna fall in Liebe with you.
I didn't wanna know the things i knew.
It wasn't till i looked into the mirror...

Cuz if Du liked it then Du shoulda put a ring on it.
If Du liked Du shoulda put a ring on it.
Dont be mad when i...
continue reading...
added by DUNKISbigestFAN
added by NoahFanNumber1
Source: XD
posted by Fangirl99
Sierra: I Liebe Paris in the springtime!
Je t'aime Paris in the fall!
Cody: That's great, Sierra! Keep going!
Sierra: It's the city of Liebe in the summer!
But now, it's just a bummer!
Cody broke my herz and chewed it up and spit it out and then, stepped on it and threw it down a sewer, called it names and then, laughed!
Oui, my friends! Du must never trust a boy!
Oui, my friends! They will treat Du like a toy!
Oui, my friends! They will-!
Break your herz and chew it up and spit it out and step on it and throw it down a sewer, call it names, and then, laugh!
Cody: Wait up! Sierra!
continue reading...
added by noahnstar1616
Source: Me
posted by izzysawsome
Joe: *talking to himself* Rrrrrrrggggggg when that reanforcement coming!I hope it's soon!

*25 Minuten later*


Joe: Uh correction I'm saved not you.

The pilot:*Looks at Joe and whispers to himself* I hate you!

*An airplane comes down and then Greg gets out*

Greg: It's so nice to see Du again

Joe: Du know who I'd like to see again? LINDSAY AND TYSON!

Greg: It's not Tyson it's Tyler

Joe: *Looks at him with his eyes barely open* Like I care

*Joe and Greg get in the plane which is about to lift up*

Joe: Wait!

Greg: What?

Joe: Can I bring a few Mehr people on the plane?...
continue reading...
posted by Fangirl99
Owen: I miss the way, Izzy sagte hello!
Von hoofing me, in the kiwis!
I missed the daytime when Izzy moved so slow.
Gwen: Ooh, Ooh.
Owen: 'Cause other times, she'd get freaky!
Oh, Izzy! Oh, Izzy! I, I miss Du so!
Oh, my Izzy, my little Izzy. Why'd I ever let Du go?
Gwen: Actually she kinda dumped you.
Owen: I miss her smile, and the way she liked to bite
on my arm, when there was trouble-
Which was all the time. (laughs)
Oh, I miss the way, she'd always say goodnight.
Gwen: Ooh, Ooh.
Owen: And hoof me and the kiwis double! Ouch.
Oh, Izzy! Oh, Izzy! I, I miss Du so.
Oh, my Izzy, my little Izzy!
Why'd I ever let Du go?
Why'd I ever let Du go...?
added by Fangirl99
added by noahnstar1616
Source: ME