Tony, Ziva, McGee and Abby how many pauley Fans are we???

_ele_ posted on Dec 30, 2008 at 07:47AM
hey guys...
i'm a P fan...
and i wanna know how many more there are...

and also know:
-did you meet her on NCIS, or before?
-'re u Abby's fans, Pauley's fans or both??

just tell me what you want...
and if you wanna talk to me, my email is:

it'd be nice to talk to other fans :)

Tony, Ziva, McGee and Abby 2 Antworten

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Vor mehr als einem Jahr NCISLOVER said…
Hey, I don't just like Abby. I also like Pauley too. I am am big fan of her. She is great at player her part on NCIS. I really do want to meet every cast member from NCIS. :)
Vor mehr als einem Jahr triplethreat said…
big smile
i would love to meet them and pauley is an amazing singer hahahaha. Abby is amazing hahahahaha