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added by pmmom38
added by HoltNLucy4Ever
added by HoltNLucy4Ever
“I’m happy that I’m getting Du as a brother-in-law since I know how much Du Liebe Summer since I’ve seen Du together.”
    “Thank you, Faith. I just wish that the rest of your family as well as mine were as supportive of Summer and I as a couple as your grandfather and you.”
    “They just need some time. Once the two of Du tell them about your daughter Nicole, I know they will come around, especially Dad. On a brighter note, Summer’s here already. Hide, Kyle. Remember, we don’t want her to see Du yet.”
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added by jlhfan624
Source: kyleandsummeralways @ tumblr
“That’s fine. Is there anything else we need to know?”
    “I received the Liste of Fragen that they will ask Du in court and we need to go over your answers. Since Kyle is your fiancé, he can be there in court when Du testify if he wants.”
    Summer told Kyle that Pax thought Nicole was his and that they would have to undergo yet another paternity test which he was happy to do. They went to another lab and got one done and arranged for the results to be sent to the other lawyer. Once the results confirmed what they already knew about Kyle...
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“Why didn’t Du tell us, especially me what Du were going to do for them?” Nick asked.
    “Your siblings and especially Du Nicholas would have tried to talk me out of it. Du were with me before Summer was born when I went and saw your grandfather on his deathbed and had that dreadful conversation where I sagte that I basically turned myself from nothing into the man I am today as well as the husband, father, and patriarch that I have become. I may not have forgiven him when Du were with me but there was one person I was able to forgive before it was too late and...
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“What are Du doing, Kyle?”
    “You and I have known each other all our lives and we come from the same social background. We know each other like the back of our hands. People have told Du that I’m only going to break your herz again and that Du can’t trust me gegeben that I’ve done exactly that in the past but Du don’t care since Du Liebe me anyway. I’ve seen and know the real Du just like you’ve seen and know the real me. I hurt both Du and I Von not following my herz the Minute I realized not only was I still in Liebe with Du but that I had never...
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“We’ll get started right away. Once we file the motion, either Michael oder I will give Du a heads up that it’s in motion. If we need to, we’ll also let Du know when we get a response.”
    “Thank Du for doing this, guys. I knew that I could trust and count on you.”
    Kyle left the meeting with Christine and Michael feeling good because he knew that he had not only two of Genoa City’s oben, nach oben lawyers but also two of Wisconsin’s oben, nach oben lawyers on his case. He had no idea that after their meeting, his lawyers had gotten straight to work and...
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added by pmmom38