Die Outsider Club
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added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
Source: not me
added by TomboyWriter
I got Home from school and just lite up a ciggerete, when Darry walked in the room.
"Didn't I tell Du to do you'r homework before smoking any of that shit!" Darry sagte angrily to me.
"I will get right on it when i'm done Darry."
"Don't Du talk back to me boy! Get on it now." He emphasiezed on the word "now".
Now Sodapop walked into the room, and Darry walked out, grabbing my ciggerete and putting it in a ashtray before he left.
"Hey Pony. Do Du want to come to a party with me and Two-Bit?" Sodapop asked anxiously.
"No I have to do my homework. Darry's orders."
"Come on can't that wait?...
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added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
Source: tumblr
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
Source: not me
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
Source: not me
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
Source: not me
added by deedeeflower
Source: Google
“I’m freezing,” Du mutter, teeth chattering.

Soda looks at Du from the driver’s seat, watching Du shiver. He grabs your hand.

“We’ll be Home soon.” He says reassuringly, squeezing your hand. He squints and leans forward. “If I could actually see in front of me.” He muttered.

The snow was coming down hard, and it was pitchblack outside. The straße lights were black out from the flurries of heavy snow.

All of a sudden, Soda jerked the car onto the Weiter exit.

“Soda, this isn’t the right exit.”

“Y/N, there is no way we can drive Home safely in this weather. We’re just gonna...
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added by ralphmacchiato
Source: lewisrockets on DeviantArt
added by bebotx511
 Du and Two-Bit <3
you and Two-Bit <3
Du had been watching re-runs of Mickey maus in your room, wishing Du could see your boyfriend, Two-Bit, but you’re grounded. Du slipped off your jean shorts and started looking for something of Two-Bit’s that Du could wear. As Du Suchen for his Favorit hoodie, Du hear a knock on your window. Du look and see your Favorit greaser guy standing there. Du slide open the window and he kisses Du before Du could say something. Du pulled away from him and whispered, “What are Du doing here? Du know I’m grounded!” He climbed into your purple room and wrapped his arms around...
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added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
Source: not me
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
Source: tumblr
added by TomboyWriter
posted by MJ_Fan_4Life007
“You know, when I was little, I used to pretend I was a train.” Dally sagte grinning. Du and you’re boyfriend we’re walking on the train tracks, just heading nowhere really. It was a beautiful, cool fall day.

Du smiled at him, waiting for him to continue. He grabbed your hand. “I thought it’d be the coolest thing to be a train. I don’t even know why. Maybe because they’re always moving, they’re big, I don’t know.” He shrugs his shoulders.

“But as I got older, I realized I was like a train. Always pushing forward, no turning around of anything. From the looks of it, my train was going to end me up in jail.” He stops walking at the track switch.

“(Y/N), Du were like my track switch. My train was headed for nowhere till Du came along. Now I see my train going somewhere, to a house, a family, a life.” He pauses. “And I wanted to say thank you.” He says quietly.

Du just wickeln, wickeln sie your arms around him.
posted by MJ_Fan_4Life007
"Dally stop," Du softly giggled as Du pushed him away from you. Dally came closer and kept on Küssen Du while Du were against the wall. He slowly ran his fingers through your hair and smiled as he kissed Du again. You've been dating him for two Monat and Du felt like the luckiest girl in the world. Du only had one problem, Du never told your parents and Du knew they wouldn't approve of Du dating Dallas Winston because of his record and he was a greaser and Du were a soc. "Hey, Erin, when am I gonna meet your parents?" "Umm, well they don't know we're dating," "Wait what?" "Well...
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