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The Jackson Kids Frage

Do Du think Michael is the REAL father of all the kids?

I do, I mean, they DO look like him.
He isn't the bio. father of the 3, but y should that matter? He was there to raise them and Liebe them, and he was and is their father in their hearts
vivw98 posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
yes they look like him
hellokitty29 posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
i had create a video of PPB that they are his bio children !!!!!!!!!!!
MJlady98 posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
they are his bio kids and yes he is the father just cus there not black dont mean he is not the father they just take up most of there mother and blanket is defo his kid hes darker than michael prince is he has vitaligo and paris is just naturally...
jacksonlover123 posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
 ILovePrinceJ2K9 posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
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The Jackson Kids Antwort

PrincessCammy said:
definitely! They all look like him, especially prince.
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posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
TLCMichaelfan02 said:
yeah. Even though Prince and Paris don't necessarily look like michael they look like other Jacksons
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29_13 posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
cindajaffar said:
thats their Daddy! Blanket looks just like MJ to me!Paris looks like Janet and Prince looks like Randy from back in the day. I think he is the bio father of them all.
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posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
MJgirl said:
are Du crazy micheal is the bio dad of paris prince and blanket they look just like him those are his bio kids
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posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
caligurl16 said:
Umm, of course! They do look like him, but Du wouldn't notice @ first glance. Just cuz their skin isn't darker, people assume they aren't his, but they aren't full black, and MJ did not make those ridiculously gorgeous kids himself!

-Paris has MJ's smile and features of MJ in the early 70s, and she looks like the Jackson women, especially Janet & a young LaToya.
-Prince looks like MJ when he was a teenager, like in the mid to late 70s. Prince also looks like his cousins, especially Jaafar [I don't know if I spelt his name correctly]
-Blanket is the spitting image of MJ in the early 70s
They look like MJ in even Mehr ways than what I just explained, watch the video below & Du will see!!!

PP&B resemble MJ & the rest of the family in their own ways, please don't just assume they aren't his because they don't look like him @ first glance. Look on youtube, there are plenty of Videos that compare MJ & his kids and they Zeigen how much they look alike, because they REALLY look alike. Especially as PP&B get older, they are starting to look Mehr & Mehr like MJ and all the rest of the Jacksons

I don't care what anyone says, Prince, Paris, and Blanket are Michael's [only] biological kids. <33
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posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
Yes!! they all look like him in some way! =D
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 Yes!! they all look like him in some way! =D
posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
jacksonlover123 said:
k first of all who do u people think u are judging a book Von its cover but yes there are other ways to know the awnser look into it here are some of my points of prince and paris then ill look into blanket:

(1)ok first of all when u look at prince u find mj in him like vitaligo look (cant Zeigen pics) but when u see him is he fully white oder is he mixed hes got michael brown eyes..

(2)now onto paris she looks completely like her mother but she looks a little like latoya and janet and a bit like paris compare her(pictures are at the end)

(3)blanket is surely mikes son look at his color and his feature look how hes completely black and mike also says his mother is black too so there we have it all the kids are michaels end of...
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 k first of all who do u people think u are judging a book Von its cover but yes there are other ways to know the awnser look into it here are some of my points of prince and paris then ill look into blanket: (1)ok first of all when u look at prince u find mj in him like vitaligo look (cant Zeigen pics) but when u see him is he fully white oder is he mixed hes got michael brown eyes.. (2)now onto paris she looks completely like her mother but she looks a little like latoya and janet and a bit like paris compare her(pictures are at the end) (3)blanket is surely mikes son look at his color and his feature look how hes completely black and mike also says his mother is black too so there we have it all the kids are michaels end of...
posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
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