The Fairy Tail Guild Club
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added by Soul_Dragneel
added by Soul_Dragneel
 Alex and Goldy
Alex and Goldy
Natsu: Com on lucy! I want to see the new wizards!
Happy: Aye!
Lucy: OMG it does not really matter, their just wizards!
Erza: Actually lucy their very strong wizards, maybe even Mehr powerful than me and laxus combined.
Grey: Their that strong?
Wendy: I heard one of them has SUPER long hair!
Lucy: OMG u.u grr.

At The Guild Hall
Master Makarov: -shakes hands with girl-
Narrator: This young lady is alex, she has SUPER long hair.
Alex: -looks at grey and natsu, smiles-
Grey & Natsu: -Blushes-
Happy: Du two are in looooooove!
Grey & Natsu: QUEIT CAT!
Lucy: -looks at two boys-
Narrator: These two boys...
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added by Soul_Dragneel
posted by kelly1992
 Alex is Okay!
Alex is Okay!
In the hospital
Wendy: I cant believe this is happening!
Lucy: Her first Tag and shes already in the hospital.
Erza: She got hit with dark nightmare, the most strongest magic ever.
Grey: Will she be okay?
Erza: Yes, but she will be in critical damage.
Doctor: Um, Just what I was about to say, but whatever, your friend Angelique is in critical damage.
Happy: Angelique?
Storm: Oh yeah, her name is not really Alex, its Angelique.
Goldy:Poor Angelique, shes hurt really bad.
Angelique:-Wakes Up-
Natsu: Hey! Shes awake!
All of them look at Angelique
Angelique: Ugh, I'm okay.
Cloud: Good my sleeping...
continue reading...
added by Soul_Dragneel
added by Soul_Dragneel
Source: tumblr
added by Anime_Dude_9027
added by Soul_Dragneel
added by Soul_Dragneel
added by Soul_Dragneel
added by Soul_Dragneel
added by Soul_Dragneel
added by Soul_Dragneel
added by Soul_Dragneel
added by Clovergirl
added by Soul_Dragneel
Source: tumblr
added by Soul_Dragneel