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added by Reis7100
added by liberiangirl_mj
added by liberiangirl_mj
added by kiss93
added by Reis7100
added by Reis7100
added by Reis7100
added by liberiangirl_mj
added by liberiangirl_mj
added by kiss93
added by Reis7100
added by Reis7100
added by Reis7100
added by Reis7100
added by liberiangirl_mj
added by liberiangirl_mj
added by Reis7100
posted by Hyatts
The Weiter Tag Madalina goes back to the studio to rehearse the movie her and michael are playing in.

At The Studio: Darrel I Liebe you. I Liebe Du too jennifer (they share a passionate KISS then they stop and go out on a date. come on lets go honey. okay baby. and cut that was beautiful I absolutley Liebe it. then madalina goes on her lunch break and finds her friend rose their and she was so excited to see her. Madalina: I am so glad Du could make it here rose. Rose: I am glad to see Du too maddy. what's going on with Du and that guy Du are filming with? Madalina: His real name is michael...
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added by liberiangirl_mj
added by Reis7100