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Which 80's character are you?



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Vixie79 said:
You are Baby from Dirty Dancing. You learned how to dance so fast considering how much time you spent screwing Patrick Swayze off camera. Oh but you're just so cute! I guess we'll have to forgive you.
posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr.
last edited Vor mehr als einem Jahr
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CornChips said:
You are Miyagi from the Karate Kid. You are a perfectionist when it comes to car detailing, fence painting and deck sanding. Your wisdom is tinted with humor and I'm positive you smoke those little bonsai trees when nobody's looking.

Wow o_o
posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr.
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"You are Claire from the Breakfast Club- so tell us Claire are you or arent you a virgin?" Cant tell I'm a TEASE.

Though there was this thing in the closet with Bender that lasted 15min...
posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr.
last edited Vor mehr als einem Jahr
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big smile
You're Doc Brown from Back to the Future. So if You're Doc Brown, can you answer me one question that's always driven me nuts? Is Doc Brown a stoner or is it just you?

posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr.
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Vixie79 said:
HAHA! I wouldn't have ever pegged him as a stoner...XD!
posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr.