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Allisyn Ashley Arm shared a Foto of Justin Bieber on the Disney Channel Original Series “So Random.” Here’s what she gepostet along with the picture:

Sneek peek of the #SoRandom Holiday ep w/ @justinbieber! Weird shot of me. Looks like I’m screaming in his ear. :P

Lol! We’re so glad Justin will be on the show!

Justin Bieber On “The View” November 23, 2011

Justin Bieber appeared on ABC’s “The View” on November 23, 2011. Justin sat down for an interview, and he also performed the song “Mistletoe” from his Weihnachten album “Under The Mistletoe.”

Justin also had a special guest Mitmachen him for his performance – Mary J. Blige!
Mariah Yeater had just dropped the paternity suit she filed against Justin Bieber because her lawyers stopped working with her, but now it seems that the 20-year-old mom has found new legal representation and she is still going after Justin to determine if he is the father of her child. Mariah wants Justin to take a DNA test, and is not currently trying to sue him for a Sekunde time.

How long do Du think this will all last?

Justin Bieber Talks About “Under The Mistletoe” In London, England

Justin Bieber was in London, England recently where he did interviews to promote his new Weihnachten album “Under The Mistletoe.” Listen below to hear what Justin had to say about the Titel of the album and about his holidays with his family as a kid.

Have Du listened to Justin’s holiday album yet?

Selena Gomez takes a bite into a fresh ear of mais in this behind the scenes look at the making of her new Musik video, Hit The Lights!

The 19-year-old actress/singer said, “Hit The Lights is about missed opportunities, the dream that Du wish Du would go for and basically, this song is allowing people to let loose, have fun, and be young and crazy.”

“This video is about embracing the moment that Du are in your life,” Selena added.

Watch Here:
Ok. Time out. We thought it was a long shot that Kevin Jonas might be taking over for Regis Philbin on ABC’s “Live With Regis And Kelly,” even after he sagte he would Liebe the job, but now we’re not sure what to think! Kelly took to Twitter with the following message:

Dear @kevinjonas, thank Du for being awesome! See Du soon??

And here’s how Kevin responded:

‘@KellyRipa: Dear @kevinjonas, thank Du for being awesome! See Du soon??’ Du too! Yes definitely see me soon!!

Um. Please tell us this means he’ll be the Weiter host of the show.
added by Selena_Justin
Young singer Justin Bieber, who is only 17 years ago, during an interview he admitted to trying to let the mustache.

It wants to do to be able to participate in annual humanitarian campaign to help raise awareness about prostate cancer, and the action takes place every Jahr in December. As part of an unusual campaign, men around the world looking for people who sponsor them to play a mustache. Justin admitted that his attempt was rather unsuccessful because his mustache and beard just beginning to grow.

"Do not give up! I will bring the mustache, I have little hair, but these are mainly in the area above the mouth. I will not shave until the end of December so I will shave and then everything will be fine because we just grow a new mustache for half a year, "said Justin.
While Mariah Yeater continues to plead her story about a possible lovechild, Justin Bieber and girlfriend Selena Gomez were spotted together in the City of Liebe looking quite happy on Wednesday.

Bieber and Gomez were spotted strolling down a Paris straße hand-in-hand amid a mob of security and onlookers. Selena was sporting a short rock with thigh-high Pretty Polly House of Holland tights to keep her warm in the crisp November Paris air. Bieber, meantime, was as casual as ever in a plain white tee, jacket, jeans and hi-top sneakers — his signature outfit it seems.
Zendaya Coleman sat down with Ernie D on Radio Disney to talk about her new song “Dig Down Deeper.” The song is from the Disney Channel animated special “Pixie Hollow Games.” Have Du heard “Dig Down Deeper“? If so, what do Du think of the song?


Zendaya Coleman Flashback Friday November 11, 2011

Aww, how adorable is this Foto of Zendaya Coleman and her grandmother? Zendaya posts a picture from her past each Friday, and this is one of our Favoriten so far! Here’s what Zendaya gepostet along with the picture above:

Flashback Friday!! me and my grandma!!

Do Du have lots of pictures of yourself and your family from when Du were little?
added by Selena_Justin
added by Simpo1
Source: Miley Cyrus
added by Simpo1
Source: Good Girl productions a lot of good that will do me,
added by mandali
added by Selena_Justin
added by Selena_Justin
added by nevenkastar
There’s quite a bromance brewing between Justin Bieber and Jaden Smith. The singers have been hanging out in Park City, Utah together and seem to be having a lot of fun. Wearing Louis Vuitton jean jackets, jeans, furry hats and “swag boots,” the teen stars posed in matching outfits, and the Biebs gepostet the pic on Twitter, writing:

“Uh oh new @swagboots the world doesn’t know what just hit them haha.”

Two guys — one look. Who wore it best? Vote in the Umfrage and sound off in the comments.

Last week, Justin hit the stage in Rockefeller Center, and judging Von the deafening shrieks,...
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Are Selena Gomez‘s maternal instincts kicking in at the young age of 19? The Disney star, sterne gepostet a pic on her Instagram account of her holding a teeny, tiny baby. Awww.

On her Twitter, SelGo wrote:

“Baby Liebe :) my friend had her baby boy Hudson.”

Meanwhile, Justin Bieber is celebrating some baby news … oder lack thereof.

Mariah Yeater, 20, has dropped her paternity suit against the 17-year-old “Baby” singer. According to TMZ, Bieber is still considering suing her for what they always sagte were false claims.
added by JBLUV11
Source: <3