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added by Brysis
added by Brysis
posted by Brysis
Jacob Black is a fictional character in the Bücher Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn Von Stephenie Meyer. He is described as a Native American of the Quileute tribe. In Twilight he is fifteen, and in New Moon and Eclipse he is sixteen. When he reaches the age of sixteen, he undergoes the transformation that enables him to phase into a werewolf. He imprints on a baby named Renesmee Cullen, the daughter of Edward and Bella Cullen. Like his pack brother, Quil Ateara, his Liebe for Renesmee will not be sexual oder romantic until she comes of age.

Early Life
Jacob was born to Billy and Sarah...
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posted by Brysis
Full Name: Jacob Black

Status: Werewolf - Alpha

Date of Birth: 1990

Originally from: Forks

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Brown

Height: 6′7″

Physical description: Long, glossy hair in a pony tail, beautiful skin, a hint of childish roundness to his chin. In his wolf form, Jacob’s mantel is a rusty brown color. He cut his hair very short after his transformation, but let it grow back out later on.

Occupation: Protect the LaPush area from Vampires

Family members: His mother, Sarah, died many years Vor and he has twin older sisters, Rachel and Rebecca. He has imprinted on Renesmee Cullen.

Hobbies: Fixing...
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added by Brysis
added by Brysis
when the red house came in to the view i saw bella cloths damn it i look like a clownw why Du didn't tell me dad oh what am i gonna do know i wear my black mantel just in case ,
no one here yet but i feel like the hot blood run to my cheeks dad get out of the car , but i can't bella i will kill Du ,
jacob hugs bella & say Hey to charlie then he came in my direction he linger on my window " thank Du for coming i thought Du will never talk to me again " he sagte i answer him with a smile " why don't Du get out of the car " he sagte start to open my door " i cant' " i sagte " what .. why " he...
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added by Brysis
added by Brysis
added by Brysis
added by Brysis
added by nessie-eska
loving sacrifice
Jacob Black
renesmee cullen
added by Mrs_twiLautner
Source: me
added by Brysis
added by mitchie19