TDWT's HeatherxAlejandro Club
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Could this be the Tag that the two enemies get together?
Heather and Alejandro were going to a baby dusche of Gwen and Trent. Alejandro accidently bumped into Heather.
She spilled his water and he made her drop a cupcake she was holding.
They both sreamed Hey WATCH IT!
Once it was over Alejandro offered to take Heather Home she sagte yes.

When They looked into each other's eyes it was like Liebe sparks up in the air.
Heather hopped out the car as she was heading to the the door she stopped she ran to Burremeurto's car and gave him 1 KISS on the cheek he smiled.
Then happily walked home.
added by Brookshep
posted by RandomFanGirl



What was that noise? It just kept going on and on. It was getting on my nerves; it just wouldn’t stop.

My head hurt so badly. I didn’t know why, but I wanted it to stop soon.

I slowly opened my eyes, looking around the room. Everything seemed to be white. Why? Where was I? I couldn’t tell. I didn’t have any clue of where I was. I slowly tried to sit up, but found that I couldn’t. I didn’t know if I was strapped down oder if I just didn’t have the strength.

“Heather, you’re awake!” A voice called excitedly.

I turned my head to face where the sound of the voice was...
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posted by RandomFanGirl
A Monat passed Von without much happening. I was finally in the Sekunde trimester—it was about time. Though, with this, my clothes grew tighter, causing for the need to get bigger ones. Luckily, it seemed that my parents had forgotten all about me, not to forget my numerous credit cards, meaning that they still worked. Sierra happily agreed to go shopping for new clothes with me.

“Ew, these are,” I paused to think of a word, “these are just, horrible. Pregnant women wear these?”

We were in a maternity store in a nearby mall.

Sierra looked around the store and pointed to each pregnant woman...
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added by wolfblood43
Source: me
Oh Wow they meet again at Heather's little sister's 4th Birthday Party *gulp*.
As Heather started setting up her little sister's Bday supplies when suddenly she got a text from Sierra and Cody and their kids Sunshine and Cameron.
Are Du done setting up the party she texted back yes they sagte they were on their way. Until Al came with his lil sis cause he was invited. Heather stood there with a big grin and squealed then Al had accidently kissed her on the lips she smiled and blushed then Sierra and Cody came with their kids so did everybody else.
Then Heather asked Alejandro if they could talk he sagte yes what is it I think we should breakup sagte Heather Al ran away crying Heather ran to tell everybody the party was over but then Heather ran to Alejandro and sobbed in his is arms and sagte I'm sorry he sagte it was ok.
The End
added by TDIlover4ever
Source: deviantART
added by TDIlover4ever
Source: deviantART
added by Brookshep
added by CodyJr
Source: totaldramaprincess
added by TDIlover4ever
Source: deviantART
added by Fangirl99
added by DxCFan123
Source: Me
added by TDIlover4ever
Source: deviantART
added by TDIfangirl
Source: Me, Photoscape, and
added by Duncan_Courtney
Source: Moi
I made this video myself and gepostet it on Youtube yesterday. I think it's a little good.
posted by RandomFanGirl
I woke up the Weiter morning to the sound of my cell phone ringing. I couldn’t remember getting into the position I was into, which was wrapped in Alejandro’s arms on his bed. I tried to squirm out of his grip, but to no use; he wasn't letting me go. I reached into my pocket and grabbed my cell phone out of it. I put it up to my ear, answered it, and whispered, "Hello?"

"Heather! Where are you?"

Crap! It was my mother!

"What do Du mean?"

I was hoping I could convince her that I was home.

"Don't play dumb with me. I know Du never came Home last night."

"I'm over at Sierra's," I lied. I still kept...
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added by NoahxCourtney77