TDI's Gwen and Trent Club
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posted by cooleeo
Trent:AH!!! Gwen:BABE!!! *he drops his reciever in a fountain* Trent:NO!!! zombie:*growls and shoots Trent in the thigh with a gun* Trent:ah!! oh! *limps over to the gun* jack:hey! zombie:*growls* jack:meet the Queen fly! ha ha!! zombie:NO!! *the fly gets out of the jar* zombie:ah!! oh! gah! uh! uh!!! *there heads explode* guys:unreal...jack:the names jack. seems that Du young fellers didn't bring much of that ammo. Trent:*wheezes* do Du *coughs* think Du can bring us back to the *gulp* safe, sicher house? jack:safe house? what for? Duncan:uh he just got shot in the fucking thigh! jack:calm down....
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posted by cooleeo
Do Du know how GxT got together? not because Trent was sweet to Gwen,nor because that thought each other as soul*sighs* because has anyone see the big sleep first season? a shooting star, sterne passed by... i think they both wished on it heres what i think.
*Gwen's pov*
he is so cute! i like him. Hey a shooting star! i wish i could be with Trent.
*Trent's pov*
she is so cool. wonder if she sees what i see in her. a shooting star! me and Gwen together, please! *no one pov* they got their wish. but sadly it ended.
added by GothikXenon
—4 Months Later—Several months had passed since Gwen found out she was pregnant.She was now around five months in gestation.—Setting: Gwen's apartment; at 2:30 PM—"I've endured discomfort for a few months and I'm a little over halfway there." Gwen thought as she stared at her reflection in the mirror."I hope my baby is still healthy."Gwen checked her calendar."I'm currently on my fifth month. I should probably see my doctor again; but I need to call Trent first." she thought to herself again.She then dialed Trent's number.—Cut to scene at Trent's apartment—Trent picked up his phone...
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Trent turned around and walked down the stairs. "I'm going to murder him."
Trent returned to his Home after leaving Gwen's OLD house and CVS, where he bought some pain medicine to help her sleep better that night. He saw that she was sound asleep on the couch, where he left her, and noticed how thin she'd gotten since the last time he saw her before all this happened. It didn't surprise him too much though, considering the conditions she's been living under for months.
As Trent went to the küche to make some suppe for the both of them, he stayed quiet to his thoughts. Why? Why? I hadn't seen...
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added by OddbodsFan10
Source: qMargot
added by iDxG101
Source: fraiseparfait
added by NoahFanNumber1
Source: Me, request from Noahking!!! B)
added by shellgirl54
Source: Couple
added by gwenmyers1997
added by gwenmyers1997
added by gwenmyers1997
posted by cooleeo
Gwen's pov!
um..hey? i`m going to my new school now...wonder if its gonna suck. the school is called hell high,just kidding,Kimbell high school. i walked in,but not without getting hit in the head with wadded up papers. "hey look! the new kid!"some jock said. "yeah,and she's a freak!"some gray headed,slutty girl said. i just rolled my eyes,and walked in the school. purple..everywhere. i`m not saying i don't like purple,its just its everywhere. i walked into the office,and asked a very old lady where to go. "here's your classes."she said. she handed me a white piece of paper,that had all my classes...
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added by MeOwKiTtYkAtT
Source: gwennieblack
added by gwenmyers1997
added by Brookshep
added by trentgwenfan1
posted by totaldramacale
We all know about the Duncan, Gwen and Courtney triangle, but what about the Duncan, Gwen and Trent Liebe triangle? The problem is just like the DxCxG Liebe triangle: There is a conflict, a friendship, and a relationship. In this case, Trent and Duncan have a conflict, Gwen and Trent have a friendship, and Gwen and Duncan have a relationship. Du could say that Gwen and Trent's relationship is over thanks to Duncan. So, basically, the victim here is Trent. There are two bad guys, unlike the DxGxC Liebe triangle, which has 3. They, of course, are Duncan and Gwen. Now if only we could see about Courtney and Trent starting a relationship...
added by OddbodsFan10
Source: qMargot
added by CourtneyHand871
Source: Kayleeya778