Taylor Lautner and Taylor schnell, schnell, swift Club
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added by star2894
added by star2894
added by sarabeara
Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/gabyycamisasca/
added by ninoska12
added by star2894
added by Tina_CRO
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added by star2894
added by australia-101
added by australia-101
added by star2894
added by x-Sophie-Jade-x
Source: x-Sophie-Jade-x
I found this amazing fanmade video for Back to December that cuts out the male actor and inserts Taylor Lautner. It honestly could be the official video, it's so good. If Du feel that Taylor wasn't done justice Von that actor, check it out!
Taylor Swift
Taylor Lautner
Musik video
back to december
added by Tina_CRO