Bad news to everyone of the Studio Ghibli fans: Director, Studio Ghibli Co-Founder Isao Takahata Passes Away on 5 April, 2018. Cause of death: Lung Cancer
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sens StudioGhibli is Disney Japan they sold make Kingdom Hearts StudioGhibli that wold be the best thing ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
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hello, i came hear and i Liebe studio ghibli! i adore the majic, the culture , and the friendship in each of the movies. to be a Fan of it is a great honor . :D
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i Liebe my neighbor tortoro its so cute and funny i loved it and i Liebe the other Filme they made . GO STUDIO GHIBLI YAY!
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ok, so i've made a pick for a new icon, if people dont like the one's I've put up feel free to make your own.
Sorry if I'm being a bit vorwärts-, nach vorn Von doing this it'sjust this club is kinda dead and i figured Mehr people might Mitmachen if we have an icon
link to pick - link
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