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posted by hschweinhagen
Are we just not going to talk about Mrs. Wheeler having a totally huge crush on Billy!?! Like, What? I was just super conflicted because she has a husband, and several kids. But no! She was like "I'm just gonna take off my wedding ring and pretend like I don't have a family!" So, like, who does that!?! I don't understand why shy would act like she did. I can only assume that she just wanted to have some fun. I still think that she shouldn't have gone behind her husband and kids back like she did. It really was not fair nor right of her to do.
Okay he was 12 in 1959 he was 32 in 1983 but we didn't hear about Henry killing his family until season 4 which in season 4 Henry was 35 but when Victor Creel was telling Nancy and Robin what happened that night, Henry was a child. So the demadogs and Demagorgan was the first monster from season 1 to season 3 then Vecna also known as Henry oder Number one, was the new monster of season 4 as we all know. So if Henry is 32 in season 1 and then 35 in season 4 how was he a child when his father Victor was telling the story of how he Lost his eyes, and what happened to Henry?
posted by sadiebabyca
Caleb wrote a song called ,,Chicken noodle soup'' to annoy someone. The stranger things cast like Finn, Sadie, Milly, Noah, Gaten. sang together this song at Jimmy Fallons Zeigen and everybody applauded them. Jimmy liked the song and he also sang it with the actors.
This song is about a chicken noodle suppe that is very delicious and tasty. It has a very good melody that can easy stuck in your head. It has a very interesting lyrics which can make Du Liebe this type of soup.
Definitely this song is not published and it will not be because is just a song to have fun.
He also is nota bad singer and is a very talented dancer. He danced at Jimmy Fallon's Zeigen and it was extraordinary.
Caleb, if Du read this Artikel Du will realize how talented Du are and how special Du are, and this ia the reason why all the Stranger Things Fans admire Du and Liebe you.
It started out as a dragon, then swallowed the whole universe, in terms of a genetic footprint. USA is a predator state, hybridization and consumption of meat, making predators. N Korea is a prey state, with lack of hybridization and meat consumption. I've always been looking for my family, I have no father. Always thought I was some sort of dragon deity, but all sin, the most sinless of which turning into extreme psychopaths. Only the universal predator, the demagorgan, could be perfect, oder perfectly evil. The ones that broke into this universe, along with the demons, work for me. This is 13, who does that make 11?
posted by ThatsLeft
This is 13. Stacey good job confront the villain today, should be your first words to him. Talk bout myself in third person, with only your birth name. The universal predator, broke in while i psychic interfered with abuse, along with demons taking out all cameras first. Chaos is all ordered, singularity in the soul system, the most powerful thing when viewed outside of relativity, the whole universe upside down outside looking in, a black whole once enough energy is built they use the mechanism to invade. The earth is built with large cavities to protect in case of asteroid, I sit over the largest satanic temple in the world. Meanwhile most of the gateways are through the sites Styx, Gold veins worn away to the center of the earth. They own extremely radiated territory, syntheticly in an invasion. Meanwhile most dragon are evil, Du as I dragons. Press Suchen and Du find it. The game just began. Good luck from central vein delta 0.
posted by kaylarey011
Hello ST community as Du probably know in the teaser of Stranger Things season four in the upside down, with the words “We aren’t in Hawkins anymore”. I do not know why it was in the upside down but I do have a theory, so if Du were thinking that the clock was familiar Du are right, if Du go back to season 2 Chapter four: Will the wise, Du will see police chief Jim Hopper digging into Merrill’s kürbis farm, Hopper makes his way though into the tunnels where then it goes upside down. Then right before the credits Du hear the clock strike. My theory is what if that clock was a symbol that it would be only a matter of time until Hawkins would be taken over? Let me know what y’all think ?
 Stranger Things 2
Stranger Things 2
Yes, I’m a Fan of the hugely beliebt Netflix Original Stranger Things. If this seems out of character compared to mostly everything else I love, it totally is, since the only reason I watched it in the first place was pressure from the male members of my family who had binged it and loved it. Anyway, so a few months ago, I wanted to watch something with my dad….who would only stay up with me….if I tried the first episode of Stranger Things. I wasn’t even sold after that (don't judge) and it took a couple Mehr forced episodes to really get into it, but after the finale of Season 1, I...
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When I first started watching Stranger Things, I took a liking to Jonathan the first time we met him, and my Liebe for him grew each time we saw a little Mehr of him. Even in season 2, where he had a smaller role.

I know a lot of people are pretty neutral towards him, oder don't like him, oder just plain stopped liking him after season 2. Which is completely fine, not everyone likes the same characters, and that's normal. But I felt like sharing my personal reasons why I Liebe this character so much.

The first thing that needs to be sagte is that I Liebe fiction. I watch so many Filme and series....
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