Stormclan Members of StormClan

KatieK102 posted on Sep 12, 2015 at 03:22AM
Falconstar-(KatieK102) - handsome black tom with dark gray chest and dark green eyes (Mate: Sweetbriar)

Wrenflight (TeamPeeta649) - dark brown tom with a golden chest and underbelly with amber eyes (Mate: Shiverwind)

Medicine Cats:
Slightfeather (KatieK102) - dark gray tom with darker patches and green eyes (Temporary mentor) (Mate: Creedstorm)
Swamppaw (Tanglebelly) - black and orange tom with a white freckled face and gold eyes
Pebblepaw (KatieK102) - tan and white tom with blue eyes

Creedstorm (TeamPeeta649) - dark brown she-cat with patchy black stripes all over, a white chin and seafoam green eyes (Mate: Slightfeather)
Redshadow (TeamPeeta649) - massive reddish-brown tabby tom with black stripes, paws, ears and muzzle and lavender eyes (Mate: Mistybreeze)
Duskstorm (KatieK102) - large, creamy-colored tabby tom with a white chest, underbelly, two white paws, and dark blue eyes (Mate: Frecklenose) (Apprentice: Buckpaw)
Berryfrost (KatieK102) - ginger she-cat with white nose and pretty green eyes, and a large scar across her shoulder (Mate: Strongbreeze) (Apprentice: Driftpaw)
Sunheart (Tanglebelly) - orange tom with white flecks and green eyes
Darkmist (TeamPeeta649) - white and black tom with gold eyes
Shiverwind (KatieK102)- pretty white she-cat with pale gray patches and frosty blue eyes (Mate: Wrenflight)
Strongbreeze (Tanglebelly) - black tom with white paws and tail tip, and amber eyes (Mate: Berryfrost) (Apprentice: Badgerpaw)
Sweetbriar (TeamPeeta649) - white she-cat with brown spots and amber eyes (Mate: Falconstar) (Apprentice: Flamepaw)
Frecklenose (TeamPeeta649) - orange tortoiseshell she-cat with a black freckled nose with brown eyes (Mate: Duskstorm)
Flintstripe (tanglebelly) - orange tabby tom with a large fluffy white chest and underbelly and white toes with brown eyes (Mate: Treetail)
Treetail (TeamPeeta649) - brown tom with large black stripes, long legs and blue eyes (Mate: Flintstripe) (Apprentice: Cloudpaw)
Foxclaw (Tanglebelly) - ginger tom with a white muzzle and pale green eyes (Mate: Bloodmoon)
Ambershade (KatieK102) - golden tabby she-cat with white on her muzzle, chest and paws, green eyes
Tanglewhisker (Tanglebelly)-black tom with golden tabby stripes, green eyes, and a single white paw (Apprentice: Ivorypaw)
Bloodmoon (TeamPeeta694) - dark brown she-cat with reddish paws and muzzle and green eyes (Mate: Foxclaw)
Dewspots - pure white she-cat with pale blue eyes
Thundersky (KatieK102) - muscular stone grey tabby she-cat with tan stripes and paws, and piercing hazel eyes
Blacksun (TeamPeeta694) - orange tom with black legs and green eyes
Sunflowernose (TeamPeeta694) - orange tortoiseshell she-cat and a white mask and green eyes
Pantherleap (TeamPeeta649) - grey, white and tan calico she-cat with hazel eyes

Buckpaw (Tanglebelly) - dark brown tom with grey stripes and blue eyes
Badgerpaw (TeamPeeta694) - grey and tan tom with a long tail and hazel eyes
Driftpaw(Tanglebelly) - white and brown tom with a light grey freckled muzzle and green eyes
Cloudpaw (KatieK101) - fluffy white she-cat with bright blue eyes
Flamepaw (Tanglebelly) - orange tabby tom with blue eyes
Ivorypaw (TeamPeeta694) - creamy white tom with brown eyes



Scorchgaze (TeamPeeta649) - large, muscular orange tabby tom with amber eyes
Hushpool (TeamPeeta649) - muscular light tan she-cat with dark brown paws and green eyes (Mate: Skyheart)
Skyheart (Tanglebelly) - lean grey tom with blue eyes (Mate: Hushpool)
Featherwing (TeamPeeta649) - light grey tom with white stripes, a long fluffy tail, and icy blue eyes (Mate: Crowtail)
Crowtail (Tanglebelly) - muscular jet black tom with blue eyes (Mate: Featherwing)
Mistybreeze (KatieK102) - slender gray tabby she-cat with one white paw, tail tip and blue eyes (Mate: Redshadow) retired early


Current Season: New-Leaf
last edited on Jun 01, 2022 at 02:46PM

Stormclan 31229 Antworten

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Showing Replies 10901-10950 of 31229

Vor mehr als einem Jahr TeamPeeta649 said…
*jolts awake to an ear shattering scream* W-What's going on?! *jumps to his paws* -Scorchgaze

*her head snaps up from her nest where she was snuggled up beside Berryfrost* -Sweetbriar

*stands over his brother's nest* Someone get a medicine cat! QUICKLY! *noses Blackpelt* He isn't breathing!! -Featherwing

*takes off for the medicine cat den* Merryberry! Yellowblaze! -Scorchgaze
last edited Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Vor mehr als einem Jahr tanglebelly said…
*blinks confused lifting his head up from his nest*

*pads over to Featherwing looking down at Blackpelt*

*grumbles lifting his head up from the scream*

*looks at Hushpool* What was that?
Vor mehr als einem Jahr TeamPeeta649 said…
*yawns in her nest in the nursery* I don't know. Go check it out. -Hushpool

*shakes him slightly* Blackpelt... Blackpelt wake up! *cries heavily* -Featherwing

*during the night, he'd slipped away**the pain of his mate being gone had finally caught up to him entirely**he'd literally died of a broken heart* -Blackpelt
Vor mehr als einem Jahr KatieK102 said…
*Bursts into the warriors den, eyes alert* "What happened?! Who screamed?" ~ Falconstar

*Stares at Blackpelt's body with wide eyes* "He's dead," *mutters* ~ Duskstorm
Vor mehr als einem Jahr tanglebelly said…
o.0 now i didnt see that comming

*listens for a heart beat and shakes his head sadly* Featherwing...

*watches Scorchgaze run out of the den*

*huffs and pads out of the den* Whats going on?
Vor mehr als einem Jahr TeamPeeta649 said…
*crawls into his nest, nudging him desperately* Blackpelt...No...*buries his face in his brother's cold fur* -Featherwing

*returns hurriedly* -Scorchgaze
last edited Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Vor mehr als einem Jahr tanglebelly said…
*pads out of the warriors den and over to Skyheart to tell him what happened*

*eyes go wide and quickly goes to Hushpool* Blackpelt is dead..
Vor mehr als einem Jahr TeamPeeta649 said…
Dead?! No....No there has to be a mistake! *rises from the nest and runs to the warriors den* -Hushpool
Vor mehr als einem Jahr tanglebelly said…
*shakes his head looking a bit upset* Its true....
Vor mehr als einem Jahr TeamPeeta649 said…
*pads over to his nest and stares at his body numbly* How...How did this happen...-Hushpool

*slowly walks to stand beside his brother's nest* -Darkmist
last edited Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Vor mehr als einem Jahr tanglebelly said…
*pads besides Darkmist and looks down*

*shrugs* I dont know! *hisses*

*pads over to duskstorm*
Vor mehr als einem Jahr TeamPeeta649 said…
He's... really gone....-Darkmist

*lashes her tail and quickly leaves, ear drawn back in sorrow* -Hushpool
Vor mehr als einem Jahr tanglebelly said…
*lashes his tail* But what happened?

*watches her go and looks at his paws clearly upset*
Vor mehr als einem Jahr TeamPeeta649 said…
*looks all over Blackpelt's body then up at everyone else* He has no injuries, he was still in a sleeping position when I came to wake him. It's almost like....his heart just gave out...-Featherwing

*settles into her nest in the nursery, pulling her kits close* -Hushpool

What's wrong, Mama? -Bloodkit

Nothing...*her voice shook slightly* Go back to sleep. -Hushpool

But it's morning..*looks over at Foxkit* -Bloodkit
Vor mehr als einem Jahr tanglebelly said…
*shrugs and lays back in his nest*

*nuzzles Hushpool*

*sighs tearing at the ground* So thats why he wanted that last outing..
Vor mehr als einem Jahr TeamPeeta649 said…
No way! He couldn't have known! -Darkmist

*shakes his head* He'd made plans to take Shiverpaw training today. I think he just wanted to take you boys out as a way of trying to bring some joy back into his life. There's no way he could have anticipated his own death. -Scorchgaze

*touches her muzzle to his head* I just can't believe he's actually gone...-Hushpool

*holds his brother's head gently in his paws* Blackpelt would never have knowingly allowed himself to die...-Featherwing
Vor mehr als einem Jahr KatieK102 said…
*yawns and blinks away* "Whose gone?" ~ Thunderkit

*Stares at Blackpelt, and remembers how he'd almost talked to him, but didn't.* "Everyone, out." *says, his voice void of any emotion.* "I want Yellowblaze and Merryberry to relook at Blackpelt before we say anything definite." *glances at Featherwing* "Featherwing can stay, but everyone else needs to leave." ~ Falconstar

*stands outside the warrior den curiously, trying to pear around cats* ~ Shiverpaw

*catches Crowtail's eye and gestures for him to follow him outside the den* ~ Duskstorm
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Bluefire7777 said…
Sorry I've been away awhile whats happened over the past few days?
Vor mehr als einem Jahr TeamPeeta649 said…
Mainly just small interactions, but right now Blackpelt has passed away. He died in his sleep of a broken heart.

*looks at Thunderkit​, her heart shattering as she thought of how attached her daughter had become to Blackpelt* Don't worry about it, sweetie...Give it some time. -Hushpool

*nods his head to Falconstar gratefully and moves out of his brother's nest, allowing the medicine cats to have space**sits and watches his body with hollow eyes* -Featherwing

*notices Shiverpaw as he clears out with the others and frowns**pads over to her* Shiverpaw...You don't know what's happened, do you? -Wrenflight
last edited Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Vor mehr als einem Jahr tanglebelly said…
•pads out of the den with Darkmist glancing back at the warriors den•

•looks at Thunderkit and pulls her to him for comfort•

•pads over to Duskstorm• do you think that cat had anything to do with it? •says quietly•
Vor mehr als einem Jahr TeamPeeta649 said…
*follows him slowly* -Darkmist

*pads over to her mate* Oh Sunheart...I'm so sorry. -Frecklenose
Vor mehr als einem Jahr tanglebelly said…
I-its okay Frecklenose....*nuzzles her* Darkmist are you okay?
Vor mehr als einem Jahr TeamPeeta649 said…
*wraps her tail comfortingly around his shoulders* -Frecklenose

*nods slightly* Yea...I just... never would have expected anything like this...-Darkmist
Vor mehr als einem Jahr tanglebelly said…
*nods sadly* He was more of a father to me then my own father *sighs* Kinda hard to admit he is gone..
Vor mehr als einem Jahr TeamPeeta649 said…
*nods* He was an amazing cat. One of the best StormClan will ever see. *waits patiently outside the den* His's a true loss. *wipes his eyes* -Darkmist
Vor mehr als einem Jahr tanglebelly said…
*nudges his brother gently* One of the best...
Vor mehr als einem Jahr TeamPeeta649 said…
His vigil...*sighs deeply* It'll be hard to get through. -Darkmist
Vor mehr als einem Jahr tanglebelly said…
*nods* Yea..but we can live on for him..*looks at Frecklenose*
Vor mehr als einem Jahr TeamPeeta649 said…
And make him proud. Prouder than I know he already is. *licks his shoulder gently* -Frecklenose
Vor mehr als einem Jahr tanglebelly said…
*nods and whispers to her quietly so Darkmist wouldnt hear* When we have kits....i want to name one after him..
Vor mehr als einem Jahr TeamPeeta649 said…
*smiles and nods* Absolutely. -Frecklenose
Vor mehr als einem Jahr tanglebelly said…
*purrs and nuzzles her happily and looks at Darkmist then back at her* just keep this to ourselves for now.

*pads towards the entrance of the nursery to see what was going on*

I hate star clan...*says finally to Hushpool*
Vor mehr als einem Jahr TeamPeeta649 said…
*follows Foxkit* See anything? -Bloodkit

*nods* Of course. -Frecklenose

*sighs and stands to his paws* I'm going to check on my kits before anything else happens. *pads over to the nursery* -Darkmist

*leans her head against him* They keep taking from us...Taking cats who aren't nearly ready to go. -Hushpool
Vor mehr als einem Jahr tanglebelly said…
*nods* All the warriors are out in camp it looks like..

*nods* Talk to you later then Darkmist? *watches him worriedly*

*nuzzles her head* Just doesnt make sense...
Vor mehr als einem Jahr TeamPeeta649 said…
*looks around the nursery* Everyone seems sad...-Bloodkit

*nods and walks into the nursery, going over to his mate's​ nest* -Darkmist

I know. *sighs and snuggles against him* I hope we don't loose anyone else. -Hushpool
Vor mehr als einem Jahr tanglebelly said…
Hopefully no one close...then again i only have three cats i care about now that are alive..*licks her cheek* You and my kits.

*sighs and looks at Frecklenose* i dont know what to do...

*sits down near the freshkill pile*
Vor mehr als einem Jahr TeamPeeta649 said…
*touches her nose to his head* Today, we'll mourn him. Tomorrow, we'll try to continue on in the way that he'd want us to. And we'll always remember him. -Frecklenose

I'll do everything in my power to ensure that you and our kits are safe. -Hushpool

*sits down beside him with a heavy sigh* There couldn't be many other ways worse than this to spend a morning. My uncle is gone and my dad is completely heartbroken. -Treetail
Vor mehr als einem Jahr tanglebelly said…
And what about you? •gives her a look•

•nods• I wonder what happened...Hushpool didn't say anything right?

•sighs• yea...kind of a mood kill isn't it?

Yea thats about all we can do isn't it?
Vor mehr als einem Jahr TeamPeeta649 said…
*shakes her head* -Bloodkit

*nods and nuzzles him* I love you, Sunheart. -Frecklenose

That's what I have you for. *smiles softly* -Hushpool

*lays down and sighs sadly* It's crazy to think he's actually gone. -Treetail
Vor mehr als einem Jahr tanglebelly said…
I love you two Frecklenose.

*chuckles lightly* Makes sense. *resting his head on her paws* I wont let anyone harm you.

He seemed fine to...

*huffs* No one ever wants to tell us kits whats going on..
Vor mehr als einem Jahr TeamPeeta649 said…
Maybe we'll find out soon. -Bloodkit

And I won't let anyone harm you. *grooms his shoulders* -Hushpool

*nods* It was the first night since Thorntail's death that he actually slept in the nest. The pain must have been too much for him to handle. -Treetail
Vor mehr als einem Jahr tanglebelly said…
Oh trust me i think you should worry more about yourself them me *growls lightly and licks her ear*

Yea.....true..but who has ever heard of a cat passing from a broken heart?

Hopefully...well come on maybe we could find out if we go and listen to see what happened.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr TeamPeeta649 said…
*nods and slips out of the den quickly* -Bloodkit

*smiles softly* Oh? And why is that? -Hushpool

*shrugs* -Treetail
Vor mehr als einem Jahr tanglebelly said…
*follows after her quickly*

Because you know i can handle myself *purrs*

*flicks his tail* Do you think someone could have..well poisoned him?
Vor mehr als einem Jahr TeamPeeta649 said…
*keeps to the edge of the group, listening for chatter* -Bloodkit

As so I. -Hushpool

*looks at him in surprise* Of course not! He'd hardly eaten anything for the past three days anyway! -Treetail
Vor mehr als einem Jahr tanglebelly said…
True but im your mate so i have to protect you and my kits.

*lays with her listening*

*flinches away* was just a theory..
Vor mehr als einem Jahr TeamPeeta649 said…
*licks his cheek* And I love you for that. -Hushpool

*sighs and touches his nose to the top of his head* No I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. I'm just upset. -Treetail
Vor mehr als einem Jahr tanglebelly said…
*strokes her back with his claws* Wanna show me that love later?

Its fine i kinda over stepped i guess..
Vor mehr als einem Jahr TeamPeeta649 said…
*stares at him* Someone just died this morning and you're already thinking of mating? You're sick. *smirks* And I love you that way. *licks his ear* -Hushpool

If there's one thing I know about my uncle it's that nothing was more important to him than his mate. It's odd and unheard of, but it wouldn't surprise me if he was the first cat to ever die of a broken heart. *licks his head* I couldn't imagine how I'd feel if I lost you. -Treetail
Vor mehr als einem Jahr tanglebelly said…
Hey what can i say? You being all brave and wanting to protect me gets me going. *smirks and licks her neck* Plus Blackpelt was my best friend im sure he would want me to be happy.

*nuzzles him* Yea...i dont know what i would do with out you..