StellaX94bieber Club
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added by stellaX94
added by aNNalovechuck
added by stellaX94
cool song
added by stellaglamdiva
added by rino25
added by stellaX94
added by stellaX94
added by stellaX94
added by aNNalovechuck
posted by stellaX94
* Bieber loves French girls (but not because of their *****).

* Bieber is on a mission to thank all his Fans who have made his incredible ride a reality.

* Being only 16 years old, Justin has to take time to do school every day.

* His subjects are algebra, history, and biology, but he takes time to learn about places he travels to, like studying the Arc de Triomphe while in Paris.

* Justin loves to smell pizza. Like physically sniff a slice.

* He can hurdle a straße pylon.

* He doesn’t watch anything but R movies.

* The Bieber jock can make a half-court basketball shot.

* Kenny the security guard...
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added by aNNalovechuck
added by stellaX94
added by stellaglamdiva
added by stellaglamdiva
added by stellaX94
added by stellaX94
added by aNNalovechuck