Speak Now Club
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added by ScarletWitchX
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by Anichu90v2
Source: Taylor schnell, swift Web
added by Anichu90v2
Source: Taylor schnell, swift Web
added by Leilatabs
Source: Taylor schnell, swift
added by Anichu90v2
Source: Taylor schnell, swift Web
added by Anichu90v2
Source: Taylor schnell, swift Web
added by Anichu90v2
Source: Coverlandia
posted by Anichu90v2
'Speak now oder forever hold your peace', the words sagte Von preachers at the end of wedding ceremonies all over the world, right before the vows. It's a last chance for protest, a moment that makes everyone's herz race, and a moment I've always been strangely fascinated by. So many fantasize about bursting into a church, saying what they'd kept inside for years like in the movies. In real life, it rarely happens.

Real life is a funny thing, Du know. In real life, saying the right thing at the right moment is beyond crucial. So crucial, in fact, that most of us start to hesitate, for fear of...
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added by Anichu90v2
Source: Coverlandia
added by Anichu90v2
Source: Coverlandia
posted by Anichu90v2
I used to think one Tag we'd tell the story of us
How we met and the sparks flew instantly
And people would say they're the lucky ones
I used to know my place was the spot Weiter to you
Now I'm searching the room for an empty seat
Cause lately I don't even know what page you're on
Oh, a simple complication, miscommunications lead to fall out
So many things that I wish Du knew
So many walls up I can't break through

Now I'm standing alone in a crowded room
And we're not speaking
And I'm dying to know is it killing Du like it's killing me, yeah
I don't know what to say since the twist of fate when it all...
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added by Anichu90v2
Source: Coverlandia
Taylor Swift
speak now
Musik video
behind the scenes
added by Anichu90v2
Source: TaylorSwiftWeb
added by Anichu90v2
Source: Taylor schnell, swift Web
added by Anichu90v2
Source: Coverlandia
added by Anichu90v2
Source: Coverlandia
added by Anichu90v2
Source: Coverlandia
added by Anichu90v2
Source: Taylor schnell, swift Web