Shiver:The Wölfe of Mercy Falls Club
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posted by annabethxchase
my little fanfic x....

It was a cool autumn Tag in mercy falls. the leaves were going that perfect orange colour. i was walking through the woods kicking the leaves with my boots. my mum always told me never to go into the woods because of wolves, but im not afraid. they're halmless creatures that wouldn't hurt a fly.
i sat on a baum stump and pulled out my camera. i loved Fotografie like my older cousin olivia.
i looked up from my camera and saw a grey she wolf. she had amazing brown eyes that almost looked human. slowly i put down my camera, not want wanting to make too much movement...
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posted by ingrid22255
If It haden't been for my Cousin Cole I never would have found out about the Wölfe of Mercy Falls. I would have never become one of them. I ran, trying to get away from the thought even though it kept creeping back into my mind. The way they changed me, how they changed me, and worst of all how it felt.
It was a cold Winter Tag in Mercy falls. I was pondering threw the forest looking for a place to practice my keyboard. I worked well in the cold. I eventually found a baum stump in the clearing. Thats when i made my mistake. I was playing for some time when a Huge Gray-Brown wolf with green...
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