ShadowWorld RP Club
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posted by TeamPeeta649
A thousand years ago, the Angel – Jäger der Finsternis Raziel mixed his blood with the blood of men and created the race of the Nephilim. Human-angel hybrids, they walk among us, unseen but ever-present, our invisible protectors. It is their job to protect the mundanes from the demons.

They call themselves Shadowhunters. They have black marks over their arms and back called Runes. Runes are drawen with a stele. They give the Shadowhunters powers, such as the ability to heal their wounds and give themselves courage. They burn the skin at first then cool and leave thick black marking, like tattoos.

There are also creatures...
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posted by TeamPeeta649
Please read these before Du begin.

1. No controling other user's characters
2. If someone gives Du a fatal wound just die, don't make a big thing about it, Du can always make another charcter
3. No fighting, as in out of roleplay fighting, I don't want to have to kick anyone out, this is supposed to be fun for everyone
4. Before Du begin roleplaying put up a Profil for your character on the Profiles forum

There is no to how many character's Du have. Du can make a new Forum but keep it going with the storyline. Don't make a Forum for creatures that aren't in the real story. If Du have Fragen about how the story goes and what kind of character Du can be check the Storyline article.
added by teamsalvatore98
added by teamsalvatore98
added by TeamPeeta649