sandybelle : * still flying* oh shit , when am I going to stop?
* sandybelle falls down and lands in a tree*
fice : !
sandybelle: * drunken accent* oh teh epicness during that flight , don't Du say so , hiraki?
fice: I'm not hiraki!!
sandybelle: *regular voice* oh my god , its you!!
fice: whatever, what are Du doing here?
sandybelle: idk.
fice: whatever.
-the Weiter day-
*fice falls on sandybelle on purpose*
fice : oh mah gawd , i tripped!!
sandybelle : *pushes fice off* I'M SICK OF YOUR SHIT!!
*sandybelle stomps off madly*
* jigoku appears*
fice : ?
* jigoku hands fice a white envolope*
jigoku : see you...
continue reading...