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Die Fanauswahl: Tenth doctor
Die Fanauswahl: Tenth doctor
Die Fanauswahl: Yes, I miss her!
Die Fanauswahl: Wavy and quiffed
Die Fanauswahl: Rose Tyler
Rose Tyler&# 39; s Best Friend |
Die Fanauswahl: HELL YES!!
Die Fanauswahl: Rose Tyler
Die Fanauswahl: Combination of both styles
Die Fanauswahl: Hell Yes! He died to save her and he was always jealous.
Die Fanauswahl: Blond Hair
Die Fanauswahl: Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Die Fanauswahl: Tenth/Rose
Die Fanauswahl: Tenth Doctor/Rose
Die Fanauswahl: Jack/Rose
Die Fanauswahl: Jack/Rose
Die Fanauswahl: Mickey/Rose
Die Fanauswahl: Ninth Doctor/Rose
Die Fanauswahl: Tenth Doctor/Rose
Die Fanauswahl: Yes!!!!!!!!! It would be interesting to see how they get on...
Die Fanauswahl: No! Rose was always destined with to be with the tenth Doctor. Hmpf!
Die Fanauswahl: Underrated
Die Fanauswahl: Oh, yeah! Definitely.
Die Fanauswahl: They're equally amazing!
They&# 39; re equally amazing! |
Obviously Rose- long live Rose... |
Die Fanauswahl: Yes! I did not see that one coming.
Yes! I did not see that one... |
No- I&# 39; d already worked it out. |
Die Fanauswahl: Oh, yes. I would be intriguing to see how they get on.
Oh, yes. I would be intrigu- ing... |
Maybe. I don&# 39; t really know. |
No! That pairing doesn&# 39; t sound... |
Die Fanauswahl: Waaaaaaaaah! I was crying bucket-loads!
Waaaaaa- aaah! I was crying... |
Die Fanauswahl: 9/10 - That is one of my Favorit episodes for her!
Die Fanauswahl: 9/10 - That is one of my Favorit episodes for her!
Die Fanauswahl: 8/7 - She was great in that episode!
Die Fanauswahl: 9/10 - That is one of my Favorit episodes for her!
Die Fanauswahl: 9/10 - That is one of my Favorit episodes for her!
Die Fanauswahl: 9/10 - That is one of my Favorit episodes for her!
Die Fanauswahl: 8/7 - She was great in that episode!
Die Fanauswahl: 9/10 - That is one of my Favorit episodes for her!
Die Fanauswahl: 9/10 - That is one of my Favorit episodes for her!
Die Fanauswahl: 9/10 - That is one of my Favorit episodes for her!
Die Fanauswahl: 9/10 - That is one of my Favorit episodes for her!
Die Fanauswahl: 8/7 - She was great in that episode!
Die Fanauswahl: 9/10 - That is one of my Favorit episodes for her!
Die Fanauswahl: 9/10 - That is one of my Favorit episodes for her!
Die Fanauswahl: 9/10 - That is one of my Favorit episodes for her!
Die Fanauswahl: 8/7 - She was great in that episode!
Die Fanauswahl: 9/10 - That is one of my Favorit episodes for her!
Die Fanauswahl: 9/10 - That is one of my Favorit episodes for her!
Die Fanauswahl: 8/7 - She was great in that episode!
Die Fanauswahl: 8/7 - She was great in that episode!
Die Fanauswahl: 9/10 - That is one of my Favorit episodes for her!
Die Fanauswahl: 8/7 - She was great in that episode!
Die Fanauswahl: 9/10 - That is one of my Favorit episodes for her!
Die Fanauswahl: 8/7 - She was great in that episode!
Die Fanauswahl: 8/7 - She was great in that episode!
Die Fanauswahl: 8/7 - She was great in that episode!
Die Fanauswahl: 9/10 - That is one of my Favorit episodes for her!
Die Fanauswahl: 8/7 - She was great in that episode!
Die Fanauswahl: Maybe later
Die Fanauswahl: Yes, on my way!
Die Fanauswahl: Journey's End
Die Fanauswahl: Parting of the Ways
Die Fanauswahl: I hope so :(
Die Fanauswahl: I do because she and the Doctor were meant to be
I do because she and the... |
I don&# 39; t because she is getting... |
Die Fanauswahl: Scarfed in Boom Town
Die Fanauswahl: Idiots Lantern
Die Fanauswahl: The Empty Child & The Doctor Dances
Die Fanauswahl: What does it matter?
Die Fanauswahl: yep she is the best
Die Fanauswahl: 10th Doctor
Any regener- ation of the Doctor... |
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Yes - that would be so cool |
No - One Zeigen is enough for... |
Die Fanauswahl: yes, a loyal friend