Rose Tyler Is Rose Back in 2008 Weihnachten special with the cybermen

matt1993 posted on Apr 30, 2008 at 03:30PM
is it true Rose Tyler is returning to the 2008 Christmas Special and also will be back full time in 2009

Rose Tyler 4 Antworten

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Vor mehr als einem Jahr Gabitha said…
Um... next year there are only a few specials so there is no full time show, But i thought they were already filmed but have a look at this: link

Don't know how real it is though etc anyway...

Vor mehr als einem Jahr owendrwho said…
Rose Will Definitly be in 2008 xmas special
Vor mehr als einem Jahr matt1993 said…
i heard she wasn't
Vor mehr als einem Jahr ArabellaElfie said…
*Crossing all available apendages*

Love to get some Rose and Hand!Doctor action