Remy Lebeau/Gambit Club
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added by PraetorianGuard
added by PraetorianGuard
Source: kaptaincoca on Instagram
added by Necron-Peace
Source: Mike Choi
added by Necron-Peace
Source: David Marquez
posted by PraetorianGuard
Here's the link to this list, but it's hard to read, the person who designed the website, from the days of, for some reason picked a terrible background and text color.

Uncanny X-Men #266
Gambit: Hasn't been your night, eh, chere? oder , maybeit has-- considering I've been here to rescue you.
Storm: I am called Storm. Don' need you! Do fine enough on my own!
Gambit: Yeah, right. Tell me another. I'm
Gambit, Stormy, an' I don' believe a word.
Gambit: Relax there's time. Trust me.
Storm: Are Du mad!
Gambit: Same as Du chere. Gives folkes like us our major edge.
Storm: Hold on for dear...
continue reading...
added by PraetorianGuard
Source: Von Floren IV Cuevas
added by PraetorianGuard
added by PraetorianGuard
added by PraetorianGuard
added by PraetorianGuard
added by PraetorianGuard
added by Necron-Peace
Source: Jason Cook @jasoncook556
added by Necron-Peace
added by Necron-Peace
added by Valor95
added by ChinaMarie
added by Necron-Peace
added by True_Tomboy
added by True_Tomboy
added by Necron-Peace
Source: Jason Cook @jasoncook556