just wanted to say that although I Liebe finchel, every couple is unique and has their own dynamic, which is a wonderful thing. in some of the tv shows I like, people who like opposing couples resent each other, and I wanted to say that even though I prefer finchel, I completley get why people Liebe st berry. jesse and rachel are SO alike its scary, they sound awesome together and Du can't help but like jesse
gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
I Liebe finchel too, but St. Berry is my OTP. And I understand people resenting ~ships (like Finchel) but not the ~shippers. I'm glad Du get why we ship them <3 People like Du are proof that we can have nice things. ;>. :>Vor mehr als einem Jahr
thanks, thats really sweet :) one of the funniest lines EVER is from the episode "Funk". Jesse: they did a funk number. We've never been able to pul off a funk number" vocal adrenaline girl: thats because we're souless automatons. jesse: I'm so depressed.Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Days late, but you're welcome <3 ^^^ Oh that! Haha I still see a bunch of "I'm so depressed" gifs all over the internet that it's become a classic reaction gif already.Vor mehr als einem Jahr
I get what you're saying about the whole resneting other couples because you're totally obsessed with one but, I just hate finn so much. Even before he got together with Rachel.Vor mehr als einem Jahr
just wanted to say that even as a finchel Fan I thought rolling in the deep was awesome and perfect for these two characters :)
gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
I'm a new shipper!!! I'm a major Puckleberry shipper, but I also now Liebe St. Berry! I used to think Finchel was cute and I thought Jesse was a jerk. I haven't seen all of season 1 episodes, so I only got to see the bad side of Jesse. Then I saw Hello and Total Eclipse of the Heart, I fell in Liebe with them! I hate Finchel with a passion! So annoying and cliche. St. Berry is awesome!
gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
come on people sign the petition to make jonathan groff a Glee series 3 regular i am the 542nd person to sign!!! so it needs Mehr signitures :)
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Hey! I'm a new ST.Berry shipper. I used to be Finchel but it sarted to annoy me...And jesse is much hotter anyway! I Liebe their duets and that he came back in "Prom Queen"
gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
when jesse comes back are him and rachel going to get back together ?....... i hope they d i really do not like finchel
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Wait he gets a come back. When???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Vor mehr als einem Jahr
There was a spoiler from RM, that Jesse will comeback in back 9 episodes, because Jonathan Groff is doing a play in London till January. Not sure where I've read it:)Vor mehr als einem Jahr