Percy Jackson Club
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added by haley_scott
Source: Von *Fuienu-chan
added by gwll10
added by msweno
Source: burdge-bug
added by athenaslytherin
added by usernameinvalid
added by Natbr
added by xxhello-kittyxx
added by athenaslytherin
posted by bookwise
Percy: Excuse me, do Du know where I can find the blue cookie mix?

Store employee: Umm… i don't think we-

Percy: What about blue Essen dye?

Store Employee: I don't think we do. But if Du want to check aile 14 in the cooking section I can take you.

Percy: (mutters) This is the 4th store in a row,(louder)no but thank you.

Store Employee:

Percy: *walks away* Why don't they have blue cookies?

my best friend doesn't realize that she does the same thing to me and I laugh and ask if she has read Percy Jackson and she says no why should I ( well because Du and Percy are a lot alike) of course I don't tell her that but I do say that she look it up. she still doesn't get it :[
added by msweno
Source: burdge-bug
added by gwll10
added by athenaslytherin
added by athenaslytherin
added by athenaslytherin
added by Bia_GodLover
Source: Beatriz Liebe My Jesus
added by a-sakura-kiss
Source: aka me
added by Natbr
Source: percy-jackson
added by gwll10