Panic! At the Disco Club
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1. Du draw a watch on your arm pointing to 9 o'clock and label it "nine in the afternoon".

2. Du spend hours on YouTube watching Musik videos, interviews, Videos of them live, etc.

3. Whenever watching sagte live performances, Du constantly wish Du were in the crowd oder if Du have sen them live, Du look for yourself in the audience.

4. Du have dressed up/plan to dress up as Brendon Urie oder Ryan Ross for Halloween.

5. Du know all the band members' (current, former, touring, etc.) full names and birthdays.

6. Du have an urge to get a dog and name him Hobo.

7. Whenever someone mentions the word...
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added by meme6
added by vagos
Source: Screencaps Von Me
added by vagos
Source: Screencaps Von Me
added by meme6
added by paniclover21
added by syaantjuh
added by Niox595
Source: Screencaps Von Me
added by vagos
Source: Screencaps Von Me
added by vagos
Source: Screencaps Von Me
added by vagos
Source: Screencaps Von Me
added by funnyshawna
added by paniclover21
added by meme6
added by vagos
Source: Screencaps Von Me
added by vagos
Source: Screencaps Von Me
added by Niox595
Source: Screencaps Von Me