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Neville and Ginny Frage

If Neville & Ginny had of gotten married and ended up having some kids together, what do Du think they would have named them? oder what do Du think they should have named them?

 If Neville & Ginny had of gotten married and ended up having some kids together, what do Du think they would have named them? oder what do Du think they should have named them?
 ecpjll posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
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Neville and Ginny Antwort

HPCouples said:
They should have named their kids jasmin oder Marie if they had a girl. Erin oder Blake if they had a boy :)
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posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
keladz said:
Owen for a boy and for a Girl Chloe traditional names i think
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posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
KitKatLex said:
Girl: Luna
Boy: Arthur oder something
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posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
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