Neil Diamond Wall

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angel0628 sagte …
I Liebe Du Neil i am 51 and have loved Du my whole life I’ve been listening to your Musik since i was a very little girl and i literally listen to Du everyday Du are my absolute Favorit my #1 and i just want to say i am sorry to hear about what Du are going through all my Liebe and prayers i Liebe Du xoxo. gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
loriann77 sagte …
I can not believe Neil is not coming to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I have been seeing his concerts since I was 18 and would really like to see this one. My 20 Jahr old daughter even wants to see him again for the third time. His concerts are always a joy to go to. gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
bluemoon48 sagte …
I Liebe your music,specialy play me it's a wonderful song and i Liebe your voice gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
gayleoo sagte …
Since 1970 Du have been my Favorit ! Neither of us have aged !! gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
GoTaylor7 sagte …
hayy! i'm a big Fan of yours! my grandma, one day, put on your Musik in her car, and i loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
kohedstrom Kommentiert…
Neil Diamond has had a big part of making me who i am today. His songs have energized me, helped me cry, laugh and feel very blessed! Thank-you Neil! Vor mehr als einem Jahr