Moana What are your expectations for "Moana"

Emmalou13 posted on Aug 29, 2014 at 02:58PM
1. Do you think you will like the movie?
2. Do you think you will like Moana herself?
3. Any other comments?

Moana 2 Antworten

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Vor mehr als einem Jahr avatar_tla_fan said…
"Do you think you will like the movie? I'm looking forward to it, and I think I'll like it, but I doubt it will be a favorite of mine.

Do you think you will like Moana herself? Yes, I think I will.
Emmalou13 commented…
Me too, and from the concept art, she looks gorgeous! Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Vor mehr als einem Jahr ApplesauceDoctr said…
1. Nope. I think I'll love the movie. :D
2. Yes indeed! At least, I hope so.
3. This movie can not get here any sooner. 2018, why are you so far away?
Emmalou13 commented…
I totally agree! xD Vor mehr als einem Jahr