MJ's Du rock my world Club
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Video Youtube/jensby01
king of pop
Michael Jackson
Du rock my world
added by Lovetreehill
Source: i.ytimg.com
king of pop
Michael Jackson
Du rock my world
added by kiss93
added by kiss93
Video Youtube/BainitaTambora
king of pop
Du rock my world
Michael Jackson
Video Youtube/outlaw860
king of pop
Michael Jackson
Du rock my world
added by Lovetreehill
Source: mjforumfrance
added by Lovetreehill
Source: i.ytimg.com
added by kiss93
Video Youtube/karadita
king of pop
Michael Jackson
Du rock my world
added by Lovetreehill
Source: bestofmichaeljackson.jclondon.com
Video Youtube/JMSwaine
king of pop
Michael Jackson
Du rock my world
added by Lovetreehill
Source: www.cornel1801.com
added by kiss93
added by MJlover121Z
Source: MJ Du rock my world
Michael Jackson amazed Fans with his moonwalk for the first time at motowns 25th anniversary. He was a big influence to lots of his Fans including me. I reall wish I would have met him but he was 36 Von 1995 and I was being born then. while michael was taking care of his son in 1998 I was stuck in the hospital with luckemia which is a type of cancer. I wss sick for five years. Michael would visit sick kids in hospitals. I wish that he would have came to see me. Michael continued to amaze people with his moon walk, dancing talent, and Singen talent. He wasa a true legend and he touches my herz with his music. I Liebe michael for his personality, and loving heart. Michael had a painful childhood and so did I that is something we both have in common. Michael will always be my inspiration. I hope to see him in heaven. I hope to become a singer and dancer like michael jackson. LOve Du michael forever in our hearts king of pop.
added by Lovetreehill
Source: i.ytimg.com
Video Youtube/MENTALNIZ
king of pop
Michael Jackson
Du rock my world
added by kiss93