Michael & Maria 100 reasons why we Liebe M&M

IBelieveInJesus posted on Dec 05, 2011 at 12:45PM
1. Because their totally amazing together

Michael & Maria 5 Antworten

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Vor mehr als einem Jahr IBelieveInJesus said…
2. Because Michael is better than Max
Vor mehr als einem Jahr IBelieveInJesus said…
3. Because ther're the funniest together
Vor mehr als einem Jahr IBelieveInJesus said…
4. Because of them I also watch Season 2 and 3
Vor mehr als einem Jahr IBelieveInJesus said…
5. Because of the episode "285 South"
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Vampsessed said…
6. Because HE stayed for her and SHE left for him!