Kowalski:Hello Marlene, why do Du look so sad ?
Marlene:Oh hi Kowalski, Skipper asked me to go on a datum and after only one datum he broke up with me he sagte "You are defiantly not the one for me Du are to girly for me".
Kowalski:Oh so that was what Skipper was doing last night.Well, I..I..I um...
Marlene:Don't be shy Kowalski.
Kowalski:OK, I.. *tapping his flippers nervously and blushing*I.. like Du there I sagte it.
Marlene:You..you mean like as a friend?
Kowalski:No I mean like you..like you.
Marlene:That's what I hoped*smiles and blushes*.
Kowalski:*smiles back and blushes*Well... Skipper is probably wondering where I am. Meet me at my lab for lunch if Du can ?
Marlene:OK meet Du there.
Stay tuned for Chapter Two!
skipper:kowalski if Du want to ask her ask her
kowalski:can this whit till towmaro
skipper:no*shoves kowalski* ask marlene out if Du Liebe her so mucth
marlene hured the whole thing and blushed for she didn't know till now kowalski had a crush on her.she wacthed as kowalski walked out of the bush.
kowalski:marlene hi
marlene:I hured the whole thing with Du like likeing me
kowalski:oh that well I was just woundering if Du prefore a date?
marlene:I would Liebe to
marlene kissed kowalski on the cheek
kowalski and marlene:Its a datum then