luke goss Club
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 prince nuada
prince nuada
Q: Could Du tell us about your character?

Luke Goss: My father is the king of the unseen realm. He is an Elf King, and as his son and heir I am the future king of that realm. When Hellboy and I interact it's not like a good guy/bad guy issue -- it's way Mehr crooked than that. I like that because as a viewer Du are invested. It's not just a black and white scenario where Du identify the bad guy and just enjoy the inevitable. At the end there are moments that are not traditional bad guy/good guy moments. They are poetic like del Toro enjoys.

Q: Is he a sympathetic character oder did Du have...
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added by josh-ada
added by josh-ada
added by cena-fan
added by cena-fan
posted by cena-fan
Luke Damon Goss was born at 6:15 PM in London on September 29, 1968 eleven Minuten before his twin brother Matt Goss. At age twelve Luke was gegeben a drum set from his mom & step dad and a musician was born. In high school Luke started his own band and introduced his brother Matt into the Musik world. Luke, Matt and a school friend made up Bros in 1986. The Bros had 13 hit singles and 3 hit albums. As part of the pop duo Bros, Luke received the Brit award for best newcomer. He also played New York's Madison square Garden , filled Wembley Arena 10 times and sold out Wembley Stadium to a capacity...
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added by cena-fan
added by cena-fan
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