I am 14 n looking for some one to talk too. If u wanna talk just message me oder message me n ill give u my number. kk luv u #bornthisway #awesome ok bye
gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
ok my friend is in Liebe with a straight girl. the 2 of them dated but then the girl my friend was dating deiced she was not les oder bi, but straight. breaking my Friends heart. she still hangs around with this girl. i want to tell her to Bewegen on and try to find someone who will Liebe her back. my girlfriend says it is not my place to take away her hope is i'm putting it in your hands what do i do
gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
today at lunch my "friends" made gay jokes i've only told one of them that i'm a lesbian and i'm happy to say that she stood up and told the idiots to shut up oder she would kick there asses after lunch she sagte that now she knows why i didn't tell them
gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Sexy babes pls add meeeeee am single and want a gf plz check. Out ma Profil if Du intrested then add meeee thean talk to meeee plz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
ummm plz dont make fun of Lesben theres nothing wrong with them its there choice to be one and there choice of wats best for them :) and if u dont accept it then u dont but dont make fun of them its like us making fun of u straight peopelVor mehr als einem Jahr
Hi I'm Samantha I'm a red head girl from Toronto I have hazel eyes and I am looking for a gf but so far no luck. Can anyone help me?
gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr