Les Miserables Club
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added by PatrickD
Source: PatrickD
added by LeoRising
Source: olivia-y113 @ tumblr
added by jade_377
Source: Jade Duchscherer
added by LeoRising
Source: olivia-y113 @ tumblr
added by iluvjesse
Source: google.com
 I Liebe the Dream Cast.
I love the Dream Cast.
Hi guys, I had seen the 10th anniversary and bits of the 25th anniversary on Youtube. So here is my thoughts on both show!

10th Anniversary Concert

When I first borrowed the DVD from a friend, my first impression was that it was a spectacular moment that Du really want to watch it live!
The cast were amazing, and I was also surprise that Frances Ruffelle was never ask to reprise her role as Eponine, despite the fact that Lea Salonga was also very good!
Surprisingly, Madame Thenadier's part in schloss on a wolke was shortened. So was Turning, I have always wonder why though?
Finally, I love...
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1985 Fernsehen segment featuring the Original London cast of Les Miserables. Includes rare rehearsal footage.
les miserables
west end
colm wilkinson
michael ball
opening night
rehearsal footage
posted by deedragongirl
 Hello Cossette!
Hello Cossette!
Hi everyone, I managed to watch the musical in Singapore at the beautiful Esplanade Theatre at the Bay. I was really blown away Von the famous songs, costume and settings despite that the last 2 were completely different from the original settings.

The Settings

Although the settings were completely different from the original settings as I had seen on Youtube, I was really happy that they are trying to make it realistic towards the original Victor Hugo's timeless novel.
The background was really amazing and especially during the Sewers where they use a special projector where Valjean was carrying...
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added by courtney7488
Source: mah-rie @ deviantART
les miserables
jean valjean
25th anniversary konzert
bring him Home
colm wilkinson
john owen-jones
simon bowman
alfie boe
added by HelenaTrix
added by MarlenaLovett
Source: Me
added by MarlenaLovett
Source: Me
added by AaronHaley4ever
posted by HelenaTrix
Sola Yo

De nuevo sola por la calle, voy vagando sin un rumbo. Sin ver ni
un rostro conocido, ni una casa, ni un amigo.
Llegó la oscuridad...quiero creer qué él está aquí.
A veces ando sola en la noche, mientras todos duermen. Pienso en él, felíz me siento, él me llena el pensamiento.
Descansa la ciudad...y yo empiezo a vivir.

Sola yo, pretendo qué le llevo en mi.
Y con él, camino hasta el halba.
Aún sin él sus brazos me rodeán. Si siento qué me pierdo, él me muestra el camino.
Al llover las calles són de plata. Y la luz es bruma sobre el rio.
En la noche la luna ílumina, tu rostro con...
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added by LeoRising
Source: olivia-y113 @ tumblr
added by LeoRising
Source: olivia-y113 @ tumblr