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added by rakshasa
Source: @JStarrC tumblr
added by rakshasa
Source: @JStarrC tumblr
added by rakshasa
Source: @JStarrC tumblr
added by rakshasa
Source: @JStarrC tumblr
added by Die Rose von Yorkshire
Source: pinterest
added by rakshasa
Source: @JStarrC tumblr
added by rakshasa
Source: @JStarrC tumblr
added by Die Rose von Yorkshire
Source: pinterest
added by Dogpaws
Source: pinterest
added by rakshasa
Source: @JStarrC tumblr aka me
added by rakshasa
Source: tumblr
uploaded and edited Von me
andy biersack
jake pitts
christian coma
ashley purdy
Black Veil Brides
added by Die Rose von Yorkshire
added by rakshasa
Source: @JStarrC tumblr
added by Die Rose von Yorkshire
Source: pinterest
added by rakshasa
Source: @JStarrC tumblr
added by Dogpaws
Source: pinterest
added by Die Rose von Yorkshire
Source: pinterest
added by Hooligan1
Batman has his hands full, because he has the most iconic gallery of villains in all of comics. As if the comics were hard enough, Batman also has to deal with his villains on the big screen. Here's a guide to the villains that have caused trouble for the Dark Knight in live-action blockbusters.

Batman (movie serial): Dr. Daka

Batman and Robin (movie serial): Wizard

Batman: The Movie: Catwoman, Penguin, Joker and Riddler

Batman: Joker

Alyas Batman En Robin: Joker, pinguin and Catwoman

Batman Returns: Penguin, Catwoman and Max Shreck

Batman Forever: Two-Face and Riddler

Batman and Robin: Mr. Freeze,...
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