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added by JayyGayy
Source: Jayy
added by meganhartxo
added by KJBiggestFan
added by JayyGayy
Source: Jayy
added by KJBiggestFan
added by botdf13
added by ZeyahRayne
added by rebekkah1978
added by Autumn_Whitney
added by JayyGayy
Source: Jayy
added by JayyGayy
Source: Jayy
added by JayyGayy
Source: Jayy
added by meganhartxo
added by msmoxie
added by Night_Wisher
posted by Marx666_
It all started when I walked down to Silver Moon, the abandoned baseball park where most teens come to deal drugs and have sex…me? I just come to write Poesie and blast music. So when I sat down on the usual giant rock I sit on and blasted my usual helping of Asking Alexandria, I didn’t expect my (thought to be) faithful boyfriend make out with my (thought to be) best friend.
But it happened.
At first I thought they were just two Zufällig teenagers. Then I noticed that they boy had the same kastanie brown hair as Lukas (that was the bf’s name). AND the same ‘Domo 23 Von Neff’...
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added by KJBiggestFan
added by DanniVanity
Source: Jayy's Digital Camera Memory Card
added by KJBiggestFan
added by KJBiggestFan