Hogwarts House Rivalry! Club
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added by australia-101
added by Ninja-Kitten
Source: Internet
added by Ninja-Kitten
Source: Internet
added by australia-101
added by simpleplan
added by Ninja-Kitten
Source: Internet
added by Ninja-Kitten
Source: Internet
added by terhenetar
added by Lord-Voldemort
Source: Various internet sources
posted by Ninja-Kitten
Slytherins are evil.
Gryffindors are perfect.
Ravenclaws just study.
Hufflepuffs are useless.

I think we have all established that those are all completely untrue. This is called "stereotyping" and it is BAD. It tosses groups of people together and sticks a label on the lot of them, no matter that they're not all exactly the same.

This happens all the time, whether it be stereotyping Von house, skin colour, gender, oder blood "purity".

Think of it this way...

Purebloods have discriminated against muggleborns for centuries. It's something that has never changed and probably never will. All purebloods,...
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added by Kiana-M-McMahon
added by KateKicksAss
Source: The Internet
added by Andressa_Weld
Source: Tumblr
added by harrypotterbest
added by TangoThang
added by Ninja-Kitten
Source: Internet
added by australia-101
added by Lord-Voldemort
Source: Various internet sources
added by Andressa_Weld
Source: Tumblr