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Hermione Granger vs Ginny Weasley Have all of Du realized what a COMPLETE Mary-Sue Ginny turned out to be? (in Half Blood Prince) Leave a Beschreibung saying yes, oder no, and why.

25 fans picked:
 MewMewSecrets posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
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StarryStar345 picked NO!!!!:
Still on the fourth book X)
posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr.
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iva098 picked YES!!!:
While I was reading first four books & watching first four movies I thought that Ginny will become amazing character later,cause in Chamber of Secrets & Goblet of Fire she was one of my faves,but she turned out to be one of the worst characters after Order of the Phoenix.She lost every personality she had!
posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr.
last edited Vor mehr als einem Jahr
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stefanvh_hpgw picked NO!!!!:
If anyone is the Mary-Sue, it's Hermione. I remember JKR saying something along the lines of "Hermione is my self insert". But none of them are Mary-Sues.
posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr.
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cutiena1325 picked YES!!!:
Ginny is a Stupid Character!
posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr.
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emma8612 said:
Hermione is the stupid character, @cutiena1325
posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr.