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Harry Potter oder Twilight Who has most romantic relationship? explain

130 fans picked:
Hermione and Ron
Remus and Tonks
Harry and Ginny
Bella and Edward
Jasper and Alice
Victor and Hermione
Carlisle and Esme
Rosalie and Emmett
Harry and Cho
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 04041996 posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
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iki picked Hermione and Ron:
they are cute and adorable together. though 7 books they've developed their relationship
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KathyHalliwell picked Jasper and Alice:
Bella/Edward are too "romatic", it's corny and it annyos me.
H/G... they're just not romantic.
R/Hr, maybe, but only in the last book, so...
A/J, now they're totally cute!
Also Carlisle/Esme (L)
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Mongoose09 picked Victor and Hermione:
By far in my opinion! Theyre not my favourite couple at all, but theyre definately more romantic than Harry/Ginny or Hermione/Ron.
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04041996 picked Bella and Edward:
maybe you're right and A/J are most cute couple... though i adore B/E couple
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iBaseCheergirl picked Remus and Tonks:
Snape&Lily anyone?
But out off these Tonks and Remus for sure! :)
Their love is just so stong, I mean Tonks just doesn't care that Remus turns into a monster once a month and is also willing to take the risk that their child may be a werewolf too. They died together, so neither has to live without the other!
RIP :(
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iki picked Hermione and Ron:

iBaseCheergirl you are right! remus and tonks are great. that's real strong love
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XDRoseLuvsHP picked Hermione and Ron:
iBaseCheergirl: Love your point! Remus and Tonks are adorable! It's also similar with Bill and Fleur, where Fleur still stayed devoted to Bill even after he was mauled and badly scarred by Fenrir Greyback.

Ron and Hermione developed their relationship over a long period of time, and you could find hints that they would end up together since book 1! I can't forget that scene in Malfoy Manner, where Ron is screaming and crying because he is hears Hermione's screams as she is being tortured by Bellatrix and he can't do anything. They are my favorite HP couple :)

(They, unlike the Twilight couplings, actually like each other for their personalities, not their appearances. If you had read the books, you would know that Hermione isn't supposed to be beautiful, yet Ron loves her anyway <3)
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Mongoose09 picked Victor and Hermione:
Doesnt anybody else other than me think that Viktor/Hermione was the most romantic? More romantic than Ron/Hermione in my opinion :/
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Catbr picked Hermione and Ron:
I don't like Viktor.

R/Hr are different, but I think they are romantic =D
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Mongoose09 picked Victor and Hermione:
I dont like Viktor much either and i prefer Hermione/Ron as a couple, but it's about most romantic couple, not your favourite :/
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HPfan_rilla picked Harry and Ginny:
Hi I picked Harry and Ginny Becuase there amazing! But If there was a Draco and Hermione option it would be even better.

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LadyLilith picked Hermione and Ron:
iBaseCheergirl I would agree with you on the Severus and Lily option, but they weren't actually in a relationship.
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Lackson4ever85 picked Hermione and Ron:
Ron&Hermoine,because they have love each other since they was small kids,then Esme And Carlisle.
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weaslyismyking picked Harry and Ginny:
Bella and Edward don't even love each other. They LUST over each other.
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KathyHalliwell picked Jasper and Alice:
XDRoseLuvsHP, not EVERY Twilight couple love each other for their appearances. Edward and Bella, yes, Rosalie and Emmett, yes, but definitely not Esme and Carlisle or Alice and Jasper.
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SG1-090 picked Hermione and Ron:
^^ True, but I still gotta go with H/R - so adorable!
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ToyletGnome picked Hermione and Ron:
Because you see their relationship grow as they do. I also love Remus and Tonks, and Bill and Fleur. Snape and Lily have best love but they weren't ever a couple.
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vamp2wolfgirl2 picked Bella and Edward:
omg were are all th twilight fans?? whats wrong!! i like twilight and i picked edward and bella because i think there so cute together and no matter what ill stay with them.. and i realy like harry potter but i love twilight alot!!
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sleazy_weasley picked Hermione and Ron:
They've been in love since the fourth year, it was obvious, and yet they didn't want to tarnish their friendship. And the final showdown in book seven was epic. The best first kiss ever, it was so WOW and out-there. As opposed to the ditzy 'romance' crap from Twilight. I mean, they know each other, what, two weeks, and then they're in love? If that's not boring to read, I don't know what is. :)
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04041996 picked Bella and Edward:
vamp2wolfgirl2: I totally agree with you! I like Harry Potter too but I ADORE Twilight!
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Kirkir picked Jasper and Alice:
Alice & Jasper I guess<3 Ron & Hermione,too!
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nati30 picked Bella and Edward:
However, I have to admit, that because of the fact that there's four books based on nothing but their relationship, they have shared more romatic moments than any of the other couples. I also want to make this clear: MY FAVORITE COUPLE IS RON AND HERMIONE ;]
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Mongoose09 picked Victor and Hermione:
Nati30, thank you for being honest. Most people on this question are just picking their favourites I think. My favourite is Ron/Hermione but Hermione/Viktor is much more romantic in my opinion :)
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knight_princess picked Hermione and Ron:
Edward and Bella don't laugh. Well not in the movies. Laughing with someone you love and being their best friend seems to be the key to a good long-lasting relationship these days. Romance comes second. Friendship, Happiness and Loyalty come first.
(This is why I also choose Ron and Hermione)
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LilysLittleTwin picked Remus and Tonks:
“You see!” said a strained voice. Tonks was glaring at Lupin. “She still wants to marry him, even though he’s been bitten! She doesn’t care!”
“It’s different,” said Lupin, barely moving his lips and looking suddenly tense. “Bill will not be a full werewolf. The cases are completely--”
“But I don’t care either, I don’t care!” said Tonks, seizing the front of Lupin’s robes and shaking them. “I’ve told you a million times…”
And the meaning of Tonks’s Patronus and her mouse-colored hair, and the reason she had come running to find Dumbledore when she had heard a rumor someone had been attacked by Greyback, all suddenly became clear to Harry; it had not been Sirius that Tonks had fallen in love with after all.
“And I’ve told you a million times,” said Lupin, refusing to meet her eyes, staring at the floor, “that I am too old for you, too poor…too dangerous…”
If that's not 'D'awwww' worthy then I don't know what is.
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ABDCFan- picked Hermione and Ron:
Urm, where in the twilight books.movies do we see Carlisle + Esme be romantic exactly? Just saying. (:
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BaSbooSa picked Hermione and Ron:
LilysLittleTwin, that's REALLY "Awww!" <3 LOL!
I love Ron/Hermione and Remus/Tonks and also Severus&Lily but I think that was love from one side, don't you think?
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BLooDy_NaTaLy picked Carlisle and Esme:
Can't stand R/Hr. Dramione are the most romantic couple ever. ^^
Pity that my only option here was Carlise/Esme :S
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Catbr picked Hermione and Ron:
@Mongoose09: yes, but I don't think Viktor is romantic. Maybe Ron isn't either, but I'd like to have someone like Ron.
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Mongoose09 picked Victor and Hermione:
^ Yeah, I'd rather have someone like Ron than Viktor. Ron's much better. But the question isnt asking for who you'd rather have as a boyfriend/girlfriend.. it's not asking for the most romantic person.. its asking for the most romantic RELATIONSHIP.

I dont think Viktor is romantic either, but hes a tad more romantic than Ron if you ask me. The couple Hermione/Ron is one of my favourites in the series, but Viktor/Hermione is more romantic.
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EalasaidWooster picked Victor and Hermione:
I'm not a big fan of this couple, but I thought they were really cute while they lasted!!
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ToyletGnome picked Hermione and Ron:
Can somebody give me a good reason for Edward and Bella supposedly having the most 'romantic' relationship? Come on, he watches her sleep. That's just creepy.
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boolander25 picked Remus and Tonks:
AWWWWW, Lupin and Tonks R.I.P.
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mimifaith picked Remus and Tonks:
yeh, sooo cute together!
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took nothing. 04041996, why didn't you add Snape x Lily Evans? :((
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ryomaidol picked Hermione and Ron:
It's obvious since the first book onwards :D
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zanhar1 picked Remus and Tonks:
also hermione and rons. tonks and lupin are so sweet togather.
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BB2010 picked Hermione and Ron:
Ron and Hermione have been crushing on each other forever :D and they're totally protective of each other and they've actually fallen asleep holding hands! :]
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HaleyDewit picked Hermione and Ron:
There's always been something between them.Hermione was upset when Ron said she didn't have any friends(first year).If she didn't like him,she wouldn't care.Ron looked more upset when Hermione was turned into stone during the second year.You have the Yule Ball,do I need to explain?Ron was jealous of Viktor and Hermione was jealous of Fleur.In the sixth book Ron was a total arsehole towards Hermione because she had kissed Viktor.And in the seventh book the horcrux abuses his weakness and fear about Hermione loving Harry more than him and they get together.
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jaliceforever picked Jasper and Alice:
"Secondly, he's really mostly doing this for Alice. Alice is Jasper's entire life. She is the most important thing in the universe to him, and he would do absolutely anything for her. For Jasper, there would be no limit to who or what he would destroy for Alice. Not that she wants him destroying anything. She's the light side of their relationship–she makes him laugh (and he wasn't much of a laugher before Alice)…"
-Stephenie Meyer

what other couple have this.
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harrypotterbest picked Remus and Tonks:
^ Remus and Tonks.
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Darkshine picked Hermione and Ron:
And Vickyninny. (Vicky+Hermyowninny)
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FalconAnimagus picked Remus and Tonks:
Out of these, tonks and Remus, then Ron and hermy-own-ninny... But snape/lily is the best.
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