I couldn't handle it when i found out Harrison Ford would be returning to be Han Solo!!!! I just Liebe him...maybe too much but who cares how much!
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I Liebe Han Solo! He's so cool! I would do anything to meet him! I agree with tiny-penguin he is rather good looking! ❤️
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He's the real hero of IV. If he'd never come back to help, Luke would be dead and the Death star, sterne would still be there. Who knows what would've happen to the rebellion and Leia! You're the real hero Han and Du always will be! He's so hansome! I can't stand it!
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Han is awesome and rather good looking. I Liebe his deep voice which is really sexy but I do actually dig Han with Leia. So much cuteness!
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I know. My sister and I have a joke like that:"You know, I don't think Leia likes me." "Why?" "Because I like Han." "Oh. No, she doesn't like you."Vor mehr als einem Jahr