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added by tanyya
added by blue-roze
added by amutokitty
added by tanyya
added by NocKairu
added by NocKairu
 Basic idea of a few of the colours of lilies
Basic idea of a few of the colours of lilies
Lilies are versatile, classic and come in a variety of different colours. These stunning Blumen are the perfect option to not only pamper a loved one for an anniversary but also to be gegeben oder displayed at funerals oder to Zeigen sympathy. That’s not all, vibrant lilies are a fitting gift to celebrate a milestone such as a promotion at work, graduation, oder even a new home!

1. White Lily
 White Lily
White Lily

White is usually associated with purity and heaven. Fresh and crisp, white lilies also represent purity and modesty, making them the blume of choice for funerals, condolence messages oder an accompaniment...
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added by GDragon612
added by brittanie81892
added by brittanie81892
added by brittanie81892
added by blue-roze
added by Dogpaws
added by Dogpaws
Source: pinterest
added by 3xZ
added by BlueberryA
added by 3xZ
added by blue-roze
added by GDragon612
added by KanonKyu