Fanpop Pets Stuff your pet eats...

harold posted on Jun 27, 2008 at 06:05AM
I figured I'd start a forum thread here so that people can share what their pets eat. This serves at least one of three purposes:

1) You can give guidance to other users who might be considering getting a pet like yours, by giving them an idea what they eat.

2) You can inform users in other countries/parts of the world about how feeding pets varies across the world.

3) You can share outrageous stories of the horrible/wonderful/funny stuff that your pet manages to devour.

Fanpop Pets 17 Antworten

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Vor mehr als einem Jahr Snerkie said…
My cat...eats almost anything :) i've gotten happy means from maccas and pulled off little bits and given it to her, i've fed her peas, she loves vegemite (it's a salty paste sorta thing) Cats eat anything...grass, that's good for them :)
Vor mehr als einem Jahr harold said…
What do you feed your cat regularly, though?

We have a dry cat food brand here in the US called IAMS (don't ask me how it's pronounced correctly - I've never been able to discern that. Is it "Yams"? "I Ams"? "I A M S"? Who knows?) which has some sort of additive to reduce hairballs. As you may have noticed in the videos I've posted of my cat, Gomo has really long fur, so hairball care is a big issue. Also, she won't eat soft cat food. Can't get her to do it. If it's in a can, it's apparently as disgusting to her as it is to me. Euuuyeeeuccch!
Vor mehr als einem Jahr dazl said…
It's 'I Ams' over here, Harold. My poor cat used to eat cereal from the bowl if we ever left it there for a few seconds. She loved Shredded Wheat and Rice Crispies, but hated Coco Pops.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr harold said…
I half expect the user cocopopsrdeadly to chime in at this point...
Vor mehr als einem Jahr emma_728 said…
My dog just eats bones!
Vor mehr als einem Jahr adavila said…
I used to feed my dog dog-chow but his poop came very disgusting so I changed it to pedegree

one day he ate cat poop and his soap
last edited Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Vor mehr als einem Jahr claire-aka-bob said… food ♥
Vor mehr als einem Jahr katiemariie said…
My big ginger cat Gilbert has a sensitive stomach and develops urine crystals easily so he eats prescription food for multiple diagnoses. Luckily, my sister is a receptionist at a vet's office that gives her a discount on his food.

My new kitten Colby and our girl cat Izzy eat Fancy Feast wet food for the moisture and to stop Izzy from gaining any more weight. We also give them Meow Mix hairball remedy dry food at night for their teeth and to prevent hairballs.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr philthafuture said…
My Snake used to only eat rats, but since im a member of peta now i feed it snake food from the store. My favorite actress Pam Anderson is also a member of peta and she convinced me to love animals. I can't wait to catch her on her new tv show that premieres this sunday aug 3rd at 10pm on E. Im eager to see her involment with peta
Vor mehr als einem Jahr katiemariie said…
PETA is also against owning pets too.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr xTobyxluverx said…
i dont really kno wat peta is..

my cat hes meow mix. i lov the song! meow meow meow meow ..meow.. ok im done with that now.

he also eats cream cheese, a problem because my family loves bagels, and ice cream, we'r obsessed with that too, so basically hes one of the family. but he doesnt he wet food, like all my other cats hav, and he duznt eat alot of meat. he duznt eat steak he just plays with it. my dad likes to give him people food sometimes, so this is how i know. iv told him the cat duznt eat steak, but i think my dad still hopes he will, im not sure why. but i hav found random pieces of steak on the floor, and if i move it, my cat will run after it. =]
Vor mehr als einem Jahr harold said…
We used to live in Menlo Park, which is an older posh community in California (so not that old, as cities go, but old enough that many of the streets were paved before sidewalks were common). Instead of sidewalks, many homeowners had rolling swathes of ivy acting as borders for their property. Now, those of you who've ever had to deal with certain kinds of rodents know that rats LOVE ivy. Those beefy-brainy rats of NIMH lived in rose bush, but for ordinary rats there's nothing like a pile of ivy for a comfy warren...unless it's a palm tree or a juniper bush, of course. But in the neighborhood in which we lived, there were roof rats that lived comfortably in the ivy. Like a kiddie fishing pond where the little tykes just have to dip in a hook to pull out a fish, so it was with my cat, Gomo: she'd just poke in her paw and flip out another rat. Like many cats, she liked to show her affection and appreciation for the rest of her family by sharing her food. Sure, most cats leave little "presents" for their humans: dead birds, dead voles, nearly-dead chihuahuas...but that wasn't enough for Gomo. Oh, no! We came home from a dinner with some friends and family one time and I, being the first to the door, had to warn the rest of the party away, once I figured out what I was seeing. At first I couldn't looked like a rather large, furry Hostess-brand Ho-ho. It turns out that Gomo, ever so considerate, had prepared the giant roof rat she'd caught and killed by removing all the "offensive bits"...namely, the head, tail and all four limbs. We were left with a succulent rat roll for our dining pleasure. What a nice cat! Weird, but nice.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr JavaJoker said…
my rabbit loves cheez-its. she is also overweight :)
Vor mehr als einem Jahr katiemariie said…
My cat Gilbert loves to lick the lids of my yogurt cups. He's also crazy for grass. Whenever he manages to sneak out of the house, we always find him right next to the stairs leading up to our apartment munching on grass.

Colby likes to eat colby jack cheese.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr harold said…
OT (since someone said they didn't know): PETA is an acronym for the group link. Some people think of them a bit like the "SPCA on steroids". Some extreme members (who probably don't represent the larger organization) make headlines from time to time by dousing celebrities wearing fur clothing with red paint. In general, though, the organization promotes vegetarian living and bans on animal experimentation through various public awareness campaigns.
last edited Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Vor mehr als einem Jahr trevarawrusrex said…
Cucumbers...And Cats Sometimes We Had To Get Our Neighbor A New Cat.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr TDIlover226 said…
All my dogs eat are table scraps, and dog food. My cats eat cat food, and the left-overs that we give Max.