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posted by mycrownofjewels
So this may seem a little "anal" of me, but I run into a lot of Videos gepostet on spots that are broken, and for that, I Berichten them. Still, I wonder why it's so difficult for the original poster to go back through some of the things they previously gepostet every once in a while (every 3 months?) to check which Videos may now have a copyright claim, etc. I certainly don't mind cleaning up spots Von reporting broken content, but it is very time consuming...

As a tip, and to make this job easier for people who contribute a lot, broken Videos often have a gray video camera as the image instead of a still from the video -- not always, but often enough. If Du don't have too much broken content in previously uploaded items and Du keep up with it, it's easy to pick these out and double-check if they are in fact broken.

I'd like to hear other people's opinions. Do Du think I'm just being a pain in the arsch (to be blunt) about the whole thing, oder do Du think this is a reasonable request? My thinking is it would make the spots appear Mehr "clean," and foster a Mehr aesthetically pleasing experience insgesamt when visiting the website.